
Is Oprah a racist for discriminating against Sarah Palin?

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Oprah won't put Sarah Palin on her show because she supports Obama? She said Palin can appear after the election, but she's already had Obama on her show.




  1. I don't think it's racism, it's just plain old partisanship.

    There's a section of links on to the "Get Sarah Palin on Oprah" petition and website, the page where you can buy her biography, the Anchorage newspaper's biography of her, the blog that has followed her career, the local Anchorage news outlets that cover her, and more.

  2. I don't think she is being racist by not wanting her on until after the election. She wants to show that she is supporting Obama. Now, she would be being racist if she said she never wanted her to come on.

  3. Oh please, the only racist people in the world are white *rolling my eyes*. The thing is, because Oprah is black, it's okay for her to be racist.

    Besides, Oprah obviously isn't very bright...since she is supporting Obama. Makes me wonder if it's the color of his skin.

    p.s I'm not for McCain or Obama, as they will both do nothing but continue the steady destruction of this once great country.

    (Of course I'm being sarcastic when I say that, rooster :)

  4. According to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, blacks cannot be racist.

  5. I can absolutely understand your confusion about this issue.  I don't think that Oprah is a racist for not putting Sarah Palin on her show until after the election, but it is more of a personal (not racial) bias because she prefers Obama as a politician!  I think she would be the same way if Clinton was running and she was a huge Clinton supporter! Let's face it, Obama is a huge deal and appeared on a lot of shows before Sarah Palin did. A situation where I did  witness ethnic bias was with Harrison Ford concerning rap music.  I definitely don't believe in giving someone more support because they are the same ethnicity as me, but some people do.  Harrison Ford said that he hates rap music because of the content, but he admitted that he loves Eminem!  Could it be because Em is Caucasian like him?  I'm sure that has more to do with it than anything.  That was Ethnic bias because we all know that Eminem doesn't do nursery rhymes!  I think that no matter who Oprah prefered, she would have them on before Sarah Palin.  There are some people who are just not fond of her as a politician and they are caucasian as well.

  6. it is her show she can do what she likes. however if i were the network i would point to the dramatic burst in ratings she would get if she did entertain Sarah.  

  7. don't believe everything you read and hear, plus have you notice most of her fan base is white and so is all of her closes friends evidently you wouldn't know i can tell you don't watch the show

  8. Oprah is an over opinionated old biggot, she supports Obama because he is black, noithing more nothing less. Oprah is a small ugly d**e who looks like a turtle, Palin is young, attractive and a real champion. Oprah is jealous that such a glamorous dynamic woman like Sarah Palin will humiliate Oprah and make her look small on her show.

    McCain / Palin 08

  9. "because oprah is black, its ok for her to be racist"?!?! im hope im picking up some very heavy sarcasm, SLK. ~sweet! muy comica.

    i wouldnt say its racist but i think it shows tremendous fear. why not have the opposition on the show and interview her on her beliefs?

  10. Not anymore racist than the next person. Let her have her choice.

  11. Sarah Palin is just a horrible speaker.  I am very very suprised that critics have praised her while she speaks with the skill of a 5th grader.  

  12. Now, now, you know that African Americans can't be racists.  Oprah is a liberal feminist who supports socialism. That is her problem with Palin. If she put her on her show, she would just be snotty to her and baised. She is doing Palin a service by not putting her on the show.

  13. Actually, black people collectively do not have the economic or political power historically to be racist.  I think that is what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were saying, if in fact they did say that.  That's not to say that blacks can't be prejudiced.  Even at that, those feelings are generally a reaction to the ill-treatment of a historically racist society.  Power plus prejudice equals racism.

    To answer the question, if you reference the link you provided, Oprah denies the assertion that she refuses to have Palin on her show.  To charge that she is being "racist" is a stretch.  I find it ironic that people who have little experience with racism or discrimination throw those words around with little regard to their impact.

    Oprah can't discriminate against Palin because Palin isn't losing anything by not being on the show economically, financially, or through accommodations (housing, dining, etc.).  Oprah can only extend or not, the courtesy of being on her show, which she said she'd be happy to do.

    So the question has no merit and is specious.  And to the comment about her being racist because Obama was on her show, you should remember that Obama was active in Chicago as a community organizer, they went to the same church, he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for 12 years, was a State Senator and then a US Senator, which is probably why she invited him to be on.

  14. no, how would that be racist???? it simply means that she does not agree with palin's "ideas"... wait a minute she has none, she is told what to say!!!! well anyway its not being racist she just doesn't support her.

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