
Is Oprah so afraid of Sarah Palin coming to her show?

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that she has flat out blocked this idea? What does Oprah think she is God and has the powers that be? Just because she endorsed Obama, doesn't mean he will be the next President.

I can't stand Oprah Winfrey; wish she would take her so called celeb chit and take care of Americans first in poverty instead of those in foreign lands.

She can't even take care of her fellow Americans.

What a racist she is for not having Sarah Palin on her show. h**l Sarah Palin would probably laugh at her and say; you got to be kidding right?

But, what do you expect here is the birds that flock together stay together (Oprah and Obama were under Wright for how many years?)




  1. Oprah is a joke to thinking people

    Even Oprah left that crazy church Obama went to

  2. well oprah wants obama elected as much as anyone....

    and given that her audience is mostly female...the last thing she wants is to make a woman like sarah palin ..with no dirt on her look appealing to women voters....

    oprah may be biased and unfair...but she is not dumb

  3. I don't think she's a racist for refusing to have Palin on ... I just don't think she's trying to push the Repub kool-aid on the voting public.

  4. Oprah said that she would have Sarah Palin on AFTER the election - Oprah is just afraid that Palin will have great appeal to her audience which made up of women.  Oprah is a hypocrite.

  5. How is she racist? She supports Obama. Obama is running against McCain. McCain chose Palin as his VP. Now, why in God's name would she want to entertain Palin's company, especially after she completely trashed Obama in her speech- PLUS after he so graciously told supporters to leave her daughter alone? I don't like Oprah either but I certainly don't think she's racist.

  6. Because a lot of people watch Queen Oprah, and she does not want her followers to make a choice. She wants them to only vote for Barry.

    Oprah is a liberal and believes in abortions and welfare and no guns and illegal immigrants. Sarah does not and would tear her head off with logic and grace. Oprah flaps her jaws and gives her money only to non-whites (check her site). She does nothing for equal rights.

  7. I'm confused, why would someone that wants Obama to win (that being Oprah) want to give Palin a Platform to be seen & heard from?  I'm not an Oprah fan myself, but come on it is HER d**n show..don't like it get your own and have Palin on everyday.  

  8. She's afraid Sarah Palin would put her in her place!

  9. First, I have not seen an actual citation to this claim.  However, if this is true, it is horrible.  Many people are influenced by Oprah and it is despicable that she would deny her viewers from fair and unbiased information.  

  10. how will your question enable you to choose your president wisely?

  11. Why would she be afriad?

  12. From your questions, you are the real hypocrite.

    McCain's Campaign is not letting Sarah talk to ANY Media. Serious media has asked her to be on Meet the Press, Fox News Sunday,etc. and the McCain Campaign has said no.

    Sarah Palin was just named a week ago and Oprah is just starting to tape a show. If serious media can't get her on their shows then HOW is Oprah refusing to let her on the show.

    USE LOGIC not Drudge Report.

  13. What is the name of the show?  Oprah?  

    Do I need to spell it out for you?  O-p-r-a-h.  It's not the S-a-r-a-h show.

    Also, how do you know that Palin didn't reject the offer to be on the show?

    Finally, are you a communist?  Do you not believe that people can have whomever they want on their (let me repeat) THEIR show?

  14. A visit on Oprah would just show how personable Sarah could be under hostile circumstances.

    Not something Oprah would wish to do.

  15. i do think oprah is racist...i think this is one reason she is all about obama has nothing to do with his stance..its about their "people" and im not talking americans

  16. She stated years ago she would not have a candidate on in an election year. Obama has not been on her show at all since the primary started. She just isn't breaking her own rules that she started years ago.

  17. Hoprah is intimated by her because Hoprah knows she can't pull that SECRET  BS on Palin ... Mc Cain 2008

  18. Sarah Palin is so much classier than Oprah.  

  19. Why does this surprise anyone? Ophra is a liberal. Its a free country, she doesn't have to have Palin on her show.

    The writing is on the wall. The O supports the One... Its simple.

  20.   I watch opra winfry about twice a week. I dont think she was scared of anybody.

    I think she got body guards like jerry springer does

  21. I guess woman voters that watch Oprah are now voting for Obama, lol

    Guess the stunt to put a woman on the ballot is shot to h**l.

    Honestly, who cares man? If you had a show, would you put someone on who you didn't support? lol  She is not a racist... she has probably inspired change more than most of us.

  22. no, sarah palin is afraid to talk to the media

  23. Sarah Palin is the least qualified person for the VP position.

    The one and only reason she was chosen was to pursuade the unsure Clinton supporters to vote for McCain.

    Why else would McCain choose her over the many many qualified Govenors and Senators in the USA?

  24. It's her show, she can choose who she wants on it. If you do not agree with her, simply do not watch her show or buy any of the multitude of products she's involved with.

    I hope you feel better after your rant.  I hope you have a great day.

  25. Yes.  Oprah shows the bias of her ilk.  Her staff is divided on this decision to exclude another woman and show favoritism towards the messiah.

  26. Because she does not want America to see what a strong woman she is,and how McCain made the right choice. And NO Palin is NOT afraid of the media...

  27. that's just not true. Also Palin said she isn't visiting media. You should read the facts.

  28. Even though I respect her for what she has accomplished both for women AND the black community... I really think she is a racist... The primary reason she has endorsed and supported Obama from the beginning is because of the color of his skin (despite the fact that he has more white DNA in him and he was brought up in a predominately white home).

    If Oprah invites Palin to the show I seriously hope that Palin turns her down on principle...

  29. is oprah's show, she can have on any person she wants

    oprah is for women's rights, Palin isn't

  30. If you don't like Oprah, why do you care who is or is not on it?

  31. Oprah IS god on her own show.  It's her show.  She's not CNN or Fox.  She has no responsibility to have anyone on she doesn't want on.  

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