
Is Organic Milk Better For You?

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Is organic milk really better for you than regular milk? Looking for people's opinions on this...




  1. Absolutely not. The nutritional makeup of organic milk is exactly the same as conventional milk.

    No milk sold in the US has any antibiotic residue in it ever.

    Organic milk is a scam.

  2. of course,i also drink organic milk,actually its more expensive but healthier for you.

  3. Organic milk comes from cows that were fed naturally.  These cows were not given growth hormones or anything similar that would be passed into the milk.  Although growth hormones haven't been scientifically proven to be harmful, some people believe that they are bad for you.  I happen to think so.  So I suppose organic milk is better for you.

  4. Possibly. The rBGH and growth hormones fed to dairy cows are supposedly harmless to humans, but some people believe that they actually do affect us in harmful ways, especially young girls, who may experience premature menarche, which is associated with increased risk of breast cancer and other problems. So in that sense, yes, it's possible that organic milk is better for you.

    Indirectly, it certainly is. Many conventionally fed cows are routinely fed antibiotics to keep them healthy, which is contributing to growing drug resistance among bacterial diseases. Organic milk may also be better for the environment and the cows' health. If it's produced by companies that follow the spirit as well as the letter of organic law, it certainly is, but there are some large companies that abuse loopholes in the law and are little better than conventional dairies, potentially worse, because their cows may be in worse condition because they are treated in ways that encourage diseases similar to those common in large conventional operations, but aren't given the antibiotics to keep them healthy.

    Of the most widespread brands, I recommend Organic Valley. You can find out more about which organic dairies are genuinely committed to the organic philosophy here:

    Milk from exclusively (or near-exclusiely) grass-fed cows IS proven to be healthier, for you, the environment, and the animals. The benefits for you include higher levels of Omega-3s, CLA, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and more. You can find lots more info about the benefits of grassfed dairy, meat, and eggs here:

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