
Is Orwell's 'Animal Farm' playing itself out in what's left of South Africa?

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George Orwell's brilliant novel 'Animal Farm' was a metaphoric indictment of Communism, with pigs as Communists and farm animals as their hapless victims, lulled into oppression and servitude by a siren song of equality via the state.

I see the physical enactment of that book in the ruins of South Africa - a population left to the mercy of its lowest common denominators - criminals - whilst the party faithful are taken care of and the general population are fed a steady stream of 'liberation' propaganda.




  1. I have to agree with Emjay, politicians the world over are a bunch that seems to be more equal than the rest of us. In South Africa it is just more glaringly obvious, because they do not have the finesse as is the case in most other countries.

  2. It's not just South Africa, it seems like most of the world these days.... :)

  3. Where MJ's point becomes totally irrelevant is in the fact that western democracies (the only true democracies) have a natural alternation between political parties which is brought about through the will of the people, the ballot box. What are the chances that the ANC could ever be removed from power in South Africa regardless of their performance which is non existent, unless by means of a military coup or uprising by the people whom they rob on a daily basis to enrich themselves? Next to nothing in reality.

    Some animals are indeed more equal than others in the Elitist Marxist State that South Africa has become under the corrupt ANC horde, where a new form of Marxism is openly embraced and practiced by enriching an elite clique of African criminals and tyrants and also those who have pledged their loyalty to these thugs and aided and abetted their crimes through racist employment laws and economic theft from the only population demographic capable of keeping the country afloat and preventing it from joining every other country on the African continent as a cesspit of African excrement (too late now, the cycle is now almost complete).

  4. Excellent book. Yes, we're somewhere in the middle of the book now. In the end of the book, the pigs are overthrown and all the animals live happily ever after, although badly scarred by their experiences and vowing never to let it happen again. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen in SA. The pigs will stay in power, because the other animals are not strong enough to overthrow them.

  5. We did that book in school, horrible book, remember the poor horse that worked itself to the bone for the state just to be send to the knackers. Yes I agree, Zimbabwe is already in an advanced stage.....the horse has already been slaughtered, our horse is going to be send to the knackers soon.......

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