
Is Osama Bin Laden captured yet?..?

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If he is...then let me know from a written source...thanks!




  1. If he had been captured you wouldn't need a written source it would be all over the TV and on the front pages of the news paper.

  2. They could locate him more quickly if they would watch where the most goats are being taken.

    Binny Boy likes his goats. They are more valueble to him than wives. He is preparing for his life after death, the virgin thing you know. Bahhhhhh, Bahhhhhhh, Bahhhhhh

  3. No he has not. Some say he is dead and some say he is alive. but no he has not been captured

  4. no he is not , last i heard he was hiding in pakistan with a lot of other people that hate americans for some reason

  5. likely no, but  at this point it does not seem to matter much.

  6. no still wanking away in Pakistan!

  7. I think he is dead. If you look at his last video, he does not look like the "first" one.

  8. news and magazine-

  9. no not yet!but soon he will die!cause allah doesn,t like them at all.

  10. nah, i think hes either dead or being held by the americans till they need a publicity boost and can unveil him as "just caught", or maybe  that dialysis machine hes on is also a secret cloaking device!

  11. i think he lives in Britain as a political asylum seeker

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