
Is Osama Bin Laden dead, or do you think we will get him?

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No anti-Bush tripe here; I am talking about EVER, whether it's within Bush's term or long after, or do you think he's already dead?




  1. I think the Bush administration knows his whereabouts

  2. No, I do not think Bin Laden is dead, and I do think we will get him.  I do not understand why we have not already - it is beyond belief, really.  Since we have not captured him so far, I do not believe it will be in Bush's term.

  3. nope---they need a boogeyman out there to justify spending money

  4. Finding Osama is like finding a needle in a haystack.  It's just that the haystack is the size of this world.  

    We will never find him.

  5. They seek him here, they seek him there, those w***ers seek him everywhere - but Bin Laden and his merry men go on despite, and the American empire lashes out in all directions to little effect except those flag draped coffins coming home - yours and ours.

    One quote from our empire referred to the British army hunting the Boers as 'like trying to catch rats with a traction engine' - but Americans never want to learn the lessons of history - they are disciples of the (American)  t**t  who insisted that history is bunk - and the body count continues to rise.

  6. if he is dead, bush knows it and isnt telling us because he and the military industrial complex want the war to go make profit

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