
Is Osama Bin Laden dead or alive? And if he's alive, is he still actively in charge of Al Qaeda?

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Do you think he is alive? Or is he dead? And if alive, is he still actively working against us?




  1. The Pentagon and the managers in "Oval Ofice" in the USA is best to make it know to the world.

    They started wars and "wars for oil" only for this reason and is silent now .. why ?

  2. well i personaly dont know but i think hes alive, hiding somewhere. i dont think he has any power of al qaeda anymore, the goverment is looking for him so hard that one little clue would give him away

  3. He is alive in the Tribal Mountains of Pakistan.

    To what extent he still pulls the strings, is hard to say.

  4. He was alive and well when I spoke to him this morning. Bin confided  that he is campaigning heavily for Hillary. So, yes, still working against us. He thinks she is his best secret weapon!! He is impressed with her "experience" and he kind of cackled weird like old Hillary and then said he had to take a call from Billy. I think Bush was right... Bin is an evil kind of guy! Oh, sorry forgot to tell you...He is still in mega charge of Al Qaeda. He has grown his Army of Terrorists to such numbers that he had to start hiring some managers...maybe Bill will help him out!

  5. I don't think we have to worry about him anymore.  I have a feeling a giant panda ate him, and then he was turned into p**p in the panda's stomach.  He is now safely back in the ground, where he belongs.  That is what I think happened to him.

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