
Is Osama bin Laden still alive

by Guest56893  |  earlier

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Is Osama bin Laden still alive




  1. More then likely he is.  But, he has severe kidney problems and is more then likely nothing more then a figurehead anymore.  I think they are just keeping him alive to make stupid video tapes to try and scare us.  

  2. Well, it is possible. If hes not then good. If he is he is too old and sick too do anything. So really JUST s***w HIM.

  3. YUP, and just waiting, he does not need to be able to do anything himself, like many terrorists he just gives orders, he never actually puts himself at risk, like most of them, he preaches one thing, and does another, as long as the young or sick, are willing to carry out his bidding, why should he die for his beliefs, ?.....after all, he is not looking to have 24 young virgins in paradise, any earlier, than he has to....funny that, they always speak of these things, and yet the Quran does not say that, it says 24 seeds of the tree of knowledge, but for some reason, the people who do these things seem to have a really immature view of their own righteous masculinity.....possibly, they have sexual issues ? or hangups ?

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