
Is Oxy Clean an environmentally friendly cleaning agent?

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Is Oxy Clean an environmentally friendly cleaning agent?




  1. Compared to a variety of alternative oxidizing agents, OxiClean is an environmentally friendly cleaning agent.

    OxiClean is a combination of carbonate, percarbonate, and surfactants.  This work together to oxidize, remove, and suspend stains.  The carbonate also helps neutralize organic acids which cause odor and fabric damage.  I don't believe that the product contains any phosphates, which of concern for discharge to surface water.  The byproduct of OxiClean is a small amount of carbon dioxide.

  2. Oxy-Clean  is a very environmentally friendly cleaner because

    it's an oxygenated based cleanser.

  3. well it depends on  the chemicals that are mixed inside them, i think it is friendly

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