
Is P/S like an eight-ball? If you shake it will it give you the right answer you seek?

by  |  earlier

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like is he in my


does he like


will i see him ever?

do you remember the eight-ball?

did you ever get the answer you were waiting for?




  1. More like a fortune teller with a cracked crystal ball...

  2. yes he likes you! lol.. You can always get a range of answers here on yahoo <3

  3. Not in an answer but perhaps once in a question. I received a message that said  "Teach me" at a time I needed to be taught myself. It seems like yesterday and yet it was  a long time back. I have changed a great many agendas sense then but I still stop to teach and be taught now and then.

    As for your eight ball, if by that you mean the plastic one, I remember it being like call waiting always coming up ask me again later. Well, it is later so now what?

    Let me start with "Is he my future?" - If he is not in your present then it is doubtful that he is your future unless you seize the day and make him yours. Carpe Dime, Sieze the telephone and give him a call. If he does not respond then there is your answer, but at least you tried.

    Next, "Does He Like Me?" - Probably so because you are a thoroughly likeable person, but; if you are looking for love then you have to go find that face to face.

    And last but not least "Will I ever see him?" - That is where you would be told wait and see but I will tell you if you do not see him then in fact you already do and you doubt your heart's eyes. Don't. Accept him for who he appears to be and let him know that you are not to be left to sometime maybe. Maybe this time is right.

    Oh, and incase you are talking about a different kind of eight ball that is something far from this place and any answer I would give you.

    I hope this helped you.

  4. I remember rephrasing my questions so that the answer was "the right one that I sought"  If I asked, "Does Matthew love me?" and it said "no" I changed my question in my head to "Does Matthew love someone else?"  When you're 11 yrs old that's easy enough.  But when the 8 ball is relegated to a cardboard box in the attic, and the questions can't be changed around and neither can the answers, we realize that the "right answer" and the "answer we seek" aren't always one and the same.

    Listen to this dear.  There's so much truth in it.

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