
Is PETA actually bad?

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I have heard some not-so-pleasent things about peta. Are they really bad, or is it just a myth?




  1. PETA are good, well intentioned people with a bad rep and sometimes they overdo things to get their point across.  Most people supporting PETA (like actor forrest whitaker) are good people who care about the environment and animals. Some however, scream "your a murderer! (for say, wearing fur or eating meat)" to people and overdo it to a point of violence. and the minority of the group becomes the stereotype. *sigh* just like every religious/ethnic group ever right?

  2. take this question into the dog section and see what kind of answers you get

  3. I believe that PETA is unnecessarily cruel without actually “doing” anything to help animals.  Example, I am a 911 dispatcher from Florida and in 2001 an eight year old boy named Jesse was attacked by a shark while on vacation at the beach with his uncle.  He had his right arm completely torn off and nearly died.  He lay in a coma for several days.  I can only imagine what his family was going through, but all PETA could see was an opportunity to turn the screws.  They not only had the nerve to send this family one of their infamous “you asked for it” letters to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital, but actually rented a billboard near the hospital that said “Would you like to know why sharks attack humans? Would you give your right arm to find out?” I am proud to say that the city went to war and had the sign removed in less than 24 hours.  What kind of “people” walk over the torn, bloodied, and bruised body of an EIGHT YEAR OLD KID just to prove a point?

    What do they DO anyway? Hurricane Gustav is bearing down on the gulf coast and the ASCPA is all hands on deck in Louisiana trying to save as many animals as they physically can.  Where is PETA? Probably having dinner with Beyonce, throwing paint on somebody, or tormenting a wounded kid.  

  4. Well let’s see, they say we can’t eat meat, but yet they have the moral right to put to death stray dogs!?!?!  What’s up with that! Are they wrong? Absolutely! Why can’t they be half way normal!

  5. Their shelter has a 97% kill rate by their own reporting.  They don't believe in pet ownership and are for the extinction of domestic animals.  They believe that the life of an "ant and that of a child" are equal.  Much of their propaganda and videos are faked.  Check out the fur commission's website and do a search on PETA.  They have court documentation that PETA falsified videos and paid people to torture animals so they could film it and use it to raise money.  Also, look at the documentation for the North Carolina animal cruelty case.

  6. PETA as an organization is not bad OR good--they're just intensely interested in animal rights. It's totally up to you to decide after reviewing all the evidence you can find. I wouldn't condemn any organization on the basis of what other people tell you--do the research and decide for yourself.

  7. PETA is in it for the money and power. They protest killing animals yet they kill animals EVERY day.

    PETA president Ingrid Newkirk complained that actually taking care of animals costs more than killing them. "We could become a no-kill shelter immediately," she admitted.

    But let one shelter not under their control kill one dog and you see them protesting the shelter.

    PETA kills animals. Because it has other financial priorities, like supporting terrorists, and yes I can PROVE it.
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