
Is PETA actually cruel to animals?

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ive always liked peta for a few seconds ago i saw some people saying they had a different agenda and were cruel to animals? someone explain please?




  1. no, there are always a few you ruin the reputation though.

    i only disagree with them when they agree with banning pitbulls. in actuality a lab is more likely to bite, but people don't make a big deal about it and call the news. pits have also saved lives of their owners, worked with police, and were the first dogs ever to be given a metal as a military dog. most "pits" on the news really aren't pits, but some muscular, squared , shorthaired mix. APBTs, staffies, and am staffs are often called pits as well. sometimes you hear reports of an 80 lbs. pit attacking someone when really a true pit weighs around 45 lbs. there are also 20+ breeds commonly mistaken for pits.

  2. No it isn't true. Lots of people try to bad mouth Peta but in reality they do a lot of good. They are however, against keeping animals in confined conditions with no chance of rehoming, because of the mental stress on the animal. In such cases I believe they would support it being put down. But this would not be until every effort had been put into attempting rehoming and the confinement and lack of a stable home was detrimental to the animal's health..

  3. PETA has huge amounts of members.  Just because some people don't behave doesn't mean they are all bad.

  4. Don't listen to the PETA haters. They are swallowing the kool-aid put out by Washington DC lobbyist Richard Berman who runs a lot of the anti-PETA groups and websites and advertises here on Yahoo Answers on the right of this very question but it's all a front group and scam.

    Berman is backed by industry including Big Tobacco, Agribusiness and apparently Yahoo as it censors what people are able to put up that's favorable regarding PETA no doubt because of the advertisers. Seriously, do a search on PETA and see which sponsors show up.*t...



    Here's the rest of the info and real truth on the "Consumer Freedom" group (and other groups which are all part of that same group but pretend to be more than they are) that Abby Ful keeps touting (finally able to get it to post):

    The industry is so bothered by what they think PETA could do that they started trying to address PETA in deceptive, rumor-mongering ways which includes the ridiculous PETA "kills" site (and many others now) that often gets stated on Y!A as a "source" (in fact the same PETA haters seem to answer all the PETA related questions on Y!A).

    So it's the scam astroturf organizations created by the industry with a lobbyist for those industries spreading the rumors about PETA trying to shoot the messenger. But it wouldn't matter how awful they could paint PETA, the awful practices PETA is exposing is still very bad. That doesn't change and that's the point. Look over there...

    The background info on that is:

    Peta Kills, Activist Cash, Animal Scam are all industry groups in sheep's clothing from the same money making DC industry lobbyist. Those are Rick (Richard) Berman groups, under "Center for Consumer Freedom" aimed at discrediting and marginalizing organizations such as PETA. Among some of their other pursuits is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Greenpeace and more. In fact, anything that opposes his clients including cigarette companies.

    Berman's groups also back Pay Day loan sharks and raising the legal limit for drunk driving.

    Who does Berman work for? He works for Monsanto, The meat, dairy, restaurant industries, the fishing industry, Wal-Mart, Tyson, Cargill, Dean Foods, big tobacco, the soda industry and the beer and alcohol industry among others.

    Some of his scamming astroturf groups?

    Center for Consumer Freedom Umbrella:

    *   activistcash dot com

    *   cspiscam dot com

    *   physicianscam dot com

    *   fishscam dot com

    *   neoprohibition dot com

    *   animalscam dot com and petakillsanimals dot com

    *   obesitymyths dot com

    The Employment Policies Institute

    American Beverage Institute

    Employment Roundtable

    Center for Union Facts

    Employee Freedom Action Committee

    Funny how he names his groups after scam so much since he is such a scammer himself. It's an abusive tactic where those who are the most guilty point at others. The other goofy thing is he claims to reveal funding for other groups (with his special spin) but won't let anyone see his own funding.

    Notice how if you do a search on PETA anywhere who the sponsors are of the search or even the PETA questions here.

    I just found one of the tag team postings of Berman's group a few days ago on the Boston Globe website. David Martosko works for Berman's scam operations as the "Director of Research" and is actually in the Penn & Teller anti-Peta episode (that Penn & Teller are that easily manipulated and/or in the pockets of big industry and helping them to play us for fools has caused me to lose all respect for them -- better fools than tools).

    Under Dave Martosko who is mocking Greenpeace at the Boston Globe is a comment by Gavin Gibbons commenting for the National Fisheries Institute which is another industry front group. He is ironically attempting to throw doubt on a poster by saying that poster is making ad hominems even as his buddy Dave above has made one after another about Greenpeace. This time they're trying to obscure the issue of the collapse of the fish stocks in our oceans but they've also been very active trying to get people to believe there is no fish and mercury issues or PCBs/Dioxins (Monsanto deals) in fish and they've even tried to convince pregnant women that the harm from mercury isn't worth having mentally delayed children (trying to scare us) which they say can be avoided by eating even more fish (on that one they tried to claim the March of Dimes was behind them but the March of Dimes had no idea and was not impressed about being co-opted).

    See, they can't fight the groups like PETA and Greenpeace on facts so they try to do it through mocking. That the industries would resort to these tactics shows just how much more scummy they are and how afraid they are you'll find out the truth about how they work.

    Richard Berman is known as Dr. Evil, or as I like to call him, Beezlebub. He starts "charitable" groups such as Obesity Myths, or Fish Scam then solicits donations via advertising while spreading the ideas the industries want you to believe. It's all about deception and you are the target, played for a fool and then become the victim.

    But then it gets even worse. The "charities" started by Rick Berman which get most of their money from the industries themselves such as Phillip Morris and Coca-Cola, then hire Richard Berman's consulting group, Berman & Co. to put together the campaigns. So, essentially he has drummed up his own business out of scamming all while manipulating the government rules, tax structures and the general public.

    Berman's group under an entirely new incarnation has even been caught in the last few weeks spreading rumors in an attempt to get Gordon Smith re-elected as a senator not just prior to the primaries but the day after with full page ads in newspapers across Smith's home state trying to obscure truth about Smith's opponent with false accusations and associations.

    So if it comes from Berman (and all of it does when it comes to disparaging PETA) it's pretty much a twisted spin and outright lies even.

  5. Yes, they killed over thousands of animals. They would pretend to be couples or regular people trying to adopt a pet, and then they would take the pets to the van and euthanize them.. :(

    Read these sites, it explains most of it -

  6. peta is a company working against cruelty to animals.

  7. They tell people it's OK to feed cats a vegan diet which is definitely cruel.  They kill animals, but at least do is quickly and painlessly.  

    And unless they rented a helicopter and gyroscopic stabilized camera to shoot the seal clubbing video they bribed some seal hunters.  No way anyone would let them get that close otherwise.

  8. They don't abuse animals, if that's what you're asking.

    But they also aren't a good organization. Honestly, they disgust me.

    They pull people in with the "we love animals!" hook, and unfortunately many people don't look beyond that initial idea. PETA is a horrible group! Many of PETA's members believe PETA is "for the animals". That's not true.

    There's a **huge** difference between "animal welfare" and "animal rights".

    Animal welfare = treat animals humanely.

    Animal rights = extinction of domestic animals.

    I love animals. I love my pets. Which is why I believe in animal WELFARE, not animal rights.

    === ===

    PETA is an extremist organization.

    They say they have the best interest of the animals in mind, but I don't believe it. Although I have no proof of it, I would suspect that many of their "under-cover videos" are even staged, which is sad. (And they won't release their full unedited videos.)

    PETA kills animals:

    They also have the goal of making all domestic animals extinct. They don't want people to have pets. Or service dogs. Etc.

    Some suggested reading about PETA:

    I also could never NEVER support a group that intentionally inflicts psychological damage to children and tries to get to the parents by USING the children and attempting to make the children fearful of their own parents. They have handed out the following comics to children:

    You Mommy Kills Animals -

    Your Daddy Kills Animals -

    I don't have all the information handy, but at one point a year or so ago, I decided to read through the PETA site. What I found was a wealth of mis-information and information skewed to support their "cause".

    They want everyone to be vegan. I have no problem with people choosing to be vegetarian/vegan, it's their own personal choice, but it's just that: a *choice*. People have the right to choose if they want to be vegetarian/vegan, or if they want to eat an omnivorous diet.

    And PETA also wants dogs and cats to be vegetarian/vegan. Now *that* I have major problems with. Animals should be fed a diet that is appropriate for their species; for dogs and cats, that diet should include meat.

    Here's a video that shows their hypocrisies:

    (Disclaimer: the guys narrating the video use some strong language, if that offends you, don't want it.)

    In short, they are a destructive group that go about things completely the wrong way. They "protest" by interfering with others in ways that should not be done.

    * They disrupted VS fashion show a couple years ago:

    * Although they have discontinued the practice, they used to attack people with spray-paint that were wearing fur coats. (Their website now says "if you have a fur coat, donate it to a homeless person.")

    (There are numerous other examples, you can do a search on the internet and find them.)

    === === ===


    Even if you don't like the CCF, you can't deny *facts*.

    Everything on petakillsanimals  is true.

    PETA is a tax exempt organization, so their tax returns are available to the public. Also, since they are classified as a humane society, they have to return the statistics of animals they take in and what happens to them, also public domain.

    I suppose you think the government is lying, too. That it's some sort of anti-PETA conspiracy.

    - 2004 -

    - 2005 -

    - 2006 -

    - (2007 statistics not yet recorded on this website)

    PETA's own website tells you that they are against the practice of pet-keeping.

    I love how you use disguised PETA pages as your sources. is a PETA website that they are trying to pass off as a legitimate 3rd party.


  9. Well there's a bunch of anti peta sites saying they kill animals ,but actually their not an animal shelter but if you find a very sick or dying animal on the street and you bring it to peta they will provide free humane euthanasia for it. The animals that die are the ones that had no chance of making it ,and it would me cruel to let them suffer any longer. People take advantage of this and spread propaganda about peta actually killing a bunch of animals.

    ~It says it kills 90% of the animals in it's care but it's not  a pound its an animal rights group the animals in it's care are already sick and dyeing.

  10. I am not sure if they are cruel to animals but they are definitely crazy to boot. I am against cruelty to animals but they are so far left they border on fundamentalist's. Kind of like the right to life protesters that blow up abortion clinic's.

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