
Is PETA like air bags?

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Do they kill more than they save?

Also is their Meet Your Meat video outdated and filmed outside of the US?

I'm thinking about going vegetarian, but now I'm not so sure.




  1. If you wanna become a vegetarian, do it because you want to, not because think it's cool, or because you're being told you're saving lives. We'll never really know the truth about the video unless we ourselves get up the nerve to work for them and see for ourselves what's really going on behind the scenes. Many people don't tell you the whole truth because that would never work for many people, but it's like that with everyone. Individual people will lie about things to be seen as better than another, or richer or whatever.

    If you become a vegetarian, do it because you care about the well-being of the animals, as well as you fellow human beings. Until you know for sure what's happening, you shouldn't judge. Everyone has an excuse for everything. If you wanna know the full truth, check it out for yourself and let us know what you find. It's hard to do, but if you really wanted this, you would find a way to make it happen.

  2. I'm vegetarian and have been since I was 9, and Im not to sure bout PETA myself. It really depends on how you see it yourself. I think any kind of killing of them is brutal, nevermind the horrible stuff that was filmed!  If you think that you could do it you should try becoming vegetarian, sometimes I think Peta have built a bad name for vegetarians everywhere. They all think we're crazy hippy freaks who will beat the c**p out of every meat eater around and then people are scared of you. I dont mind OTHER people eating meat as long as they dont disrespect you.

  3. You can be a vegetarian and not agree with PETA's actions.

    They do indeed kill more than they save. They ruin more human lives economically than they convert people to veganism.

  4. Even if you don't agree with Peta, YOU SHOULD DEFIANTLY STILL BECOME A VEGETARIAN! :)

    Its better for the environment, for your health and body (have you ever seen a fat vegetarian?!) and of course for the animals which are treated SOO cruelly!

  5. Although PETA does not run an adoption facility (they refer most adoptable animals to well-known shelters with a high rate of public traffic), they have managed to place hundreds of animals in excellent lifelong homes. For many of the animals they do accept (such as those who are severely injured, aggressive, or otherwise unadoptable) they are often a "shelter of last resort" offering a humane death to animals who would otherwise suffer a slow and painful end.

    While some of the animals they take in are lost companion animals or adoptable strays, many of the animals they receive are broken beings for whom euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option. To cite a local instance, their caseworkers were able to gain custody of a dog who was tied to a 15-pound chain and who was starved until she was severely emaciated. They had to carry her into the emergency clinic because she could barely walk. A vet recommended that the most humane option for her was a peaceful and dignified release from her suffering. They pursued criminal charges against those responsible for her condition, leading to their convictions for cruelty to animals.

    On another occasion, when a power-line transformer explosion burned a flock of starlings, PETA was the only agency to come to the bird's aid, offering the animals a painless escape from their suffering.

    PETA receives calls every week from people who do not have the inclination or money to provide veterinary care. Many of these people request that they euthanize their animals because they cannot afford to have them euthanized by a vet or because the animals would suffer excessive stress and pain if they were transported. PETA will not turn its back on these animals simply because they might make their "numbers" look bad.

    Unlike "no-kill" shelters, PETA does not refuse animals simply because euthanasia is the only humane option for them. Many of the animals they take in are given to them because they have been rejected by other facilities.

    Also, if people would spay and neuter their companion animals like they are supposed to, there wouldn't be the dog and cat overpopulation crisis we have today.  There are over 6 MILLION homeless companion animals in the United States alone.  They cannot all be saved.

    I also have to note that PETA shouldn't have anything to do with your decision to go veg.  If you go veg, it should be because you care about animals, the environment and your health.  Animals raised for food are severely mistreated and they deserve better.  By adopting a vegan diet, you can save 100 of them every year.

  6. I know a few peeps who used to belong to PETA 'til they learned the truth behind their actions.  Nonetheless, those exPETAs are in fact still vegetarians.

    BTW, whoever is clicking on all the thumbs-down needs to stop.

    We need a true reading here.

  7. You don't have to be in PETA in order to be a vegetarian.  That should be your own decision...either based on taste or personal decisions.  I've been a flexitarian for about 4 years now.  I started out vegetarian, but it was just too hard.  I wasn't able to go out to eat (unless I wanted the same boring white pasta dish) or ever get fast food.  So I decided to start eating chicken again for the convenience of it.  It still bothers me ever now and then that I eat chicken...but I gotta do what works for me!  Maybe give it a try?  Go meatless for a month and see how you feel about it.  You can always go back to eating meat again.  

    Best of luck to you in your decision!

  8. Don't let yourself get manipulated by the deceptive industries which are invested in keeping you from becoming a vegetarian.

    PETA addresses so much more than just the extreme way animals are treated (which unfortunately is a constant, day in and day out thing).

    In fact, the industries are so bothered by it that they started trying to address PETA in deceptive, rumor-mongering ways which includes the ridiculous PETA "kills" site that often gets stated on Y!A as a "source" (in fact the same PETA haters seem to answer all the PETA related questions on Y!A...).

    So it's the scam astroturf organizations created by the industry and a lobbyist for those industries spreading the rumors about PETA.

    The background info on that is:

    Peta Kills, Activist Cash, Animal Scam are all industry groups in sheep's clothing from the same money making DC industry lobbyist. Those are Rick (Richard) Berman groups, under "Center for Consumer Freedom" aimed at discrediting and marginalizing organizations such as PETA. Among some of their other pursuits is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Greenpeace and more. In fact, anything that opposes his clients including cigarette companies (which is how he started this whole BS game).

    Who does Berman work for? He works for Monsanto, The meat, dairy, restaurant industries, the fishing industry, Wal-Mart, Tyson, Cargill, Dean Foods, big tobacco, the soda industry and the beer and alcohol industry among others.

    Some of his scamming astroturf groups?

    Center for Consumer Freedom Umbrella:






    * and


    The Employment Policies Institute

    American Beverage Institute

    Employment Roundtable

    Center for Union Facts

    Employee Freedom Action Committee

    Isn't it funny he names his groups after scam so much since he is such a scammer?

    In fact, I just found one of the tag team postings a few days ago on the Boston Globe website. David Martosko works for Berman's scam operation and is actually in the Penn & Teller anti-Peta episode (that Penn & Teller are that easily manipulated and/or in the pockets of big industry and helping them to play us for fools has caused me to lose all respect for them -- better fools than tools).

    Under Dave Martosko who is mocking Greenpeace is a comment by Gavin Gibbons commenting for the National Fisheries Institute which is another industry front. He is ironically attempting to throw doubt on a poster by saying that poster is making ad hominems even as his buddy above has made one after another about Greenpeace. This time they're trying to obscure the issue of the collapse of the fish stocks but they've also been very active trying to get people to believe there is no mercury issue or PCBs/Dioxins (Monsanto deals) in fish and they've even tried to convince pregnant women that the harm of mercury isn't worth having mentally delayed children (trying to scare us) which they say can be avoided by eating even more fish (on that one they tried to claim the March of Dimes was behind them but the March of Dimes had no idea and was not impressed).

    See, they can't fight the groups like PETA and Greenpeace on facts so they try to do it through mocking. That the industries would resort to these tactics shows just how much more scummy they are.

    Richard Berman is known as Dr. Evil, or as I like to call him, Beezlebub. He starts "charitable" groups such as Obesity Myths, or Fish Scam and solicits donations via advertising spreading the ideas the industries want you to believe. It's all about deception.

    But then it gets even worse. The "charities" which get most of their money from the industries themselves such as Phillip Morris and Coca-Cola, then hire Richard Berman's consulting group, Berman & Co. to put together the campaigns. So, essentially he has drummed up his own business out of scamming all while manipulating the government rules, tax structures and the general public.

    Berman's group under an entirely new incarnation has even been caught in the last few weeks spreading rumors in an attempt to get Gordon Smith re-elected as a senator.

  9. Well, I hate to see animals die needlessly and I hate to see them tortured for our food, also.    But, I think PETA has gone way over the line.    I don't know if any human has died because of their recklessness, but it wouldn't surprise me.  The ASPCA is the best organization for the protection of animals.

  10. I think nearly every organization on a mission will lie to further their cause.  I personally try to eat meat from organic free range sources, that's better for the environment and your body.

  11. I don't know about that, but they do certainly spend enough time watching animals die for their videos and irritating people instead of doing actual things to help

  12. Don't base your opinions on the activities of PETA.  Their campaigns are sensational and often welfarist.

    If you want to see more footage in the same vein as "Meet Your Meat" without the sensationalism, google a video called "Earthlings."  Its content is broad, current, and you'll learn more.

  13. I personally think they kill more than they save. I'm not sure where the Meet Your Meat video was filmed.

    You can be vegetarian and not be in PETA, there are a lot of vegetarians that aren't associated/hate PETA.

  14. For some, it's a good idea to go veggie, but some of us who would love to just can't.  It's entirely up to you.

  15. they are a lot of bark and not that much bite. no pun intended. look at there supporters... Pamela Anderson, who is a dumb hypocrite. don't become a vegetarian for PETA, do it for yourself.

  16. You could put PETA and the ACLU in the same bag, mix them up really well, then throw bag and contents over a cliff. That's what I think about them.

  17. PETA actually kills many more animals then they save and are extremists.  Go to, it doesn't support animal abuse it just believes that peta goes way overboard.  There's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian but it is actually healthier to eat a balanced diet then to completely cut out meat.

  18. Yeah, PETA is kinda creepy.  If you're going to help animals, check out the ASPCA.

    If you're going to be a vegetarian, do it because it's right for you (if it IS right for you), not because PETA or anyone else tells you to do so.

  19. Neat Freak hit it right on the head, oh yeah don't forget about the greenpeacer's make sure to put them in the bag as well.

  20. I don't understand the concept of being a vegetarian...our bodies need meat to properly function, a lot of people who ban off meat don't get the nutrition they need. If you do decide to do the switch please go see a good nutritionist and do it right.

  21. You can be vegetarian without supporting PETA.

    I myself am not a vegetarian, but I have no problems with vegetarians. It's a personal choice to make.

    I *do* have problems with PETA though! My advice is don't go by PETA's information for *anything*.

    I would never support PETA. The organization disgusts me.

    They say they have the best interest of the animals in mind, but I don't believe it. Although I have no proof of it, I would suspect that many of their "under-cover videos" are even staged, which is sad.

    PETA kills animals:

    They also have the goal of making all domestic animals extinct. They don't want people to have pets. Or service dogs. Etc.

    Some suggested reading about PETA:

    I also could never NEVER support a group that intentionally inflicts psychological damage to children and tries to get to the parents by USING the children and attempting to make the children fearful of their own parents. They have handed out the following comics to children:

    You Mommy Kills Animals -

    Your Daddy Kills Animals -

    I don't have all the information handy, but at one point a year or so ago, I decided to read through the PETA site. What I found was a wealth of mis-information and information skewed to support their "cause".

    Here's a video that shows their hypocrisies:

    (Disclaimer: the guys narrating the video use some strong language, if that offends you, don't watch it.)

    In short, they are a destructive group that go about things completely the wrong way. They "protest" by interfering with others in ways that should not be done.

    * They disrupted VS fashion show a couple years ago:

    * Although they have discontinued the practice, they used to attack people with spray-paint that were wearing fur coats. (Their website now says "if you have a fur coat, donate it to a homeless person.")

    (There are numerous other examples, you can do a search on the internet and find them.)


    I love animals. I love my pets. Which is why I believe in animal WELFARE, not animal rights.

    Animal welfare: treat animals humanely.

    Animal rights: extinction of domestic animals.

    === === ===


    PETA *competes* with local animal shelters to take animals in and euthanize them.  They've even previously talked some local animal shelters into turning over some animals to PETA, PETA saying they were going to find the animals, perfectly healthy and adoptable animals, good homes. Then PETA turns around and euthanizes them without even attempting to find homes.

    Luckily the shelters around the cities were PETA's headquarters are have figured out what PETA is about and they now refuse to work with PETA. But there are still many people out that completely oblivious to PETA's goals.  They still think PETA is about helping animals, they don't realize that PETA is about making them extinct.

    Protection through extinction? That's bass-ackwards thinking!

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