
Is PETA trying to force others about not eating meat and fish?

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Is PETA trying to force others about not eating meat and fish?




  1. they're not trying to "force" us to not eat meat any more than the usda is "forcing" us (in the USA) to eat it.  they can shove information (or misinformation for that matter) down your throat as much as they want, but ultimately it is your choice whether or not you swallow it.

    if you don't like the info they're serving up, don't listen.

  2. I don't think they're "forcing" anything on the public any more than the meat industry "forces" their opinions on others.

    Individuals can make up their own minds about what they want to eat. They can take the information to heart or they can ignore it. In the end, it's their choice.

  3. PETA is not forcing anyone!

    But some people are very self centered and unhuman.

    PETA and some other orgs are only trying to show that there's another way of living and let live.

    I'm vegan, but even if i wasn't i wouldn't and couldn't be against PETA's work.

    Most people have no clue of what's part of tooth paste, gello, pills, etc, etc, etc.

    And what's the point in killing animals to use their fur?

    Does Macd, KFC and so many other companies need to treat animals the way they do? NO!

    Does Brazil need to have more cattle than people? NO!

    Besides, we have a health issue worlwide, that could use a vegetarian/vegan diet.

    I guess there's too many people worried about their money and comfort instead of quality of all animals, obviously humans included!

    I really couldn't care lessa about thombs down, guys... Fell free!

  4. No I think PETA is just giving us information or like I like to call it they're telling us the truth... but if you don't like PETA then just don't go on the web or ignore it...

  5. Are they ripping meat out of consumer hands?

    If not..they are not forcing anything.

  6. i believe so. their tactics arent that smooth.

  7. How can they force you to stop?  Are PETA activists coming into your house and taking away your cooked animal flesh?

  8. The whack jobs that are in charge of PETA would like nothing more than to make it illegal to eat any meat.

    Newkirk quote.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThere is no hidden agenda. If anybody wonders about -- what’s this with all these reforms -- you can hear us clearly. Our goal is total animal liberation. [emphasis added]”

    — “Animal Rights 2002” convention, Jun 2002

  9. they aren't... they are telling people to stop being cruel to animals and stop eating meat from slaughter houses

  10. I don't think they are trying to *force* any one. Everyone can make up their own mind. They are simply trying to inform us.

  11. PETA the oganization basically says they are trying to make people make an informed decision, but there are splinter groups and such, that are a little more crazy, and do things like damage restaurants, stockyards, ect.

    The main PETA organization always says they arn't involved, and are upset about these people that do these things.  It reminds me of the terrorist groups like Hezbola, where some group kills or kidnaps people, and the main group always says "it wasn't us!"

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