
Is PG&E electricity rates different in the night v/s in the day in california?

by Guest65735  |  earlier

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Is PG&E electricity rates different in the night v/s in the day in california?




  1. nope.

    at least not for most customers.

    the only time i've ever heard of rates being different was for an electric hot water heater.

    and if the clock got messed up, then the night rate timer got messed up too.

    and that was back in the 50s and 60s.

    i would presume that they might do that for some commercial customers, although i've not heard of it.

    i do know that large users that have emergency back-up generators get a discount if they agree to use their generators when PG&E asks them to, during periods of high demand.

  2. Not that I know of.

    Every PG&E bill I have seen charges per kWhr, and does not break down into different periods of the day.

    Now, you are encouraged to use electricity hogs like washers and dryers in the evening, especially during hot weather so that people do not put even more strain on the electric grid. However, this is only a recommendation and not a requirement.

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