
Is PR management the same as marketing?

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Is PR management the same as marketing?




  1. PR management is but a small portion of marketing.

    Markeing is the art and science of getting and keeping customers....which is not coincidently...the entire point of being in business.

    Marketing is happening at every point something or somebody from your company, touches a consumer.

    Therefore, Customer service people are a big part of marketing, as is every other employee, and especially the boss.

    ...and yes...the PR people as well.

  2. No, marketing is more making it known the product is out there and getting people to bu it. PR management is trying to get people to buy it after the news put out it killed 500 people due to lead paint :D Ok bad joke. PR you have to deal with the good and the bad, you are responsible for the public image of that product/company.

  3. yes bother are same.

    Reactive, meaning, "to trigger reaction" is used in the preparation of an organization for the unwelcome or the unexpected. Reactive Crisis Management is exercised by corporations after an incident that can damage their reputation of it occurs. PR plays a crucial role in such situations because it is the communication link between the company's management, employees, the media, government agencies, and legal entities; it is all done by the Public Relations Personnel. The performance of PR during such situations can mean the salvation or the demise of a corporation.

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