
Is Pakistan next? In the 'war on terrorism'?

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It seems so. Obama made some weird remarks. He's gonna get Pakistan next, isn't he? And kill a thousand people in the process.




  1. Thats true.....thats why Obama sucks n i am going to vote for Michael Jackson...

    however i pray n wish Pakistan to be on the safe side.....

  2. War on terrorism, or war on Islam? Seems like every single Muslim nation is targeted, even those that have no affiliation with these terrorists whatsoever.

    Yes, thumb me down for making such an absurd statement. It's my opinion.

  3. Pakistanis are causing a lot of terrorism due to their extremism in Pakistan, i wonder whats left for Obama to complete?!!! Its already ruined! Kasar reh hi kya gayee hai!?!!

  4. No, they won't. They do not have oil.  

  5. I don't care for Obama as our next president and I did not hear he wants to go after Pakistan.  If anything is going to happen to Pakistan, it will be India.  

  6. Sweet Princess is right . Let us hope better sense prevails and we have peace. Pakistan is in trouble from within as well as without.

  7. i know what you mean i am scared too. my parents were born in pakistan. idk if he waz just kidding. i think he waz. mabe it was a stupid remark i pray to Allah that it waz. but i bet that Allah will protect it with everything. WHY R ALL THE MUSLIM COUNTRIES BEING TARGETED

  8. You mean like the camel and the bedouin?

    The camel begged it's owner, the bedouin, to allow it to shield it's head from the scorching sun rays of the desert. It wanted permission to put it's head in the bedouin's tent. The bedouin protested. The camel begged.

    At last, the bedouin agreed. The camel could shield it's head from the sun by sticking it into his tent. It did so.

    Next, the camel wanted to screen it's neck from the sun. It begged the master. The master refused. The camel protested. After a while, the bedouin relented. The camel stuck itself further into the tent. The bedouin was confined to a limited space in his own tent.

    Next, it demanded to be allowed the freedom of inserting it's torso and legs. The same process was repeated. The bedouin refused, but was intimidated by the camel's size. He had to give in. But he had to cramp himself in a corner of the small tent.

    The camel had sufficient power in the tent now. It didn't even bother to ask it's owner anything this time. Simply threw the bedouin out of the tent, and entered.

    There is a quote of the famous, respectable Pakistani novelist of the Islamic history, Nassem Hijazi, which I memorized and shall now venture to translate into English.

    "Nature forgives the mistakes of individuals, but it never forgives those of a nation. They have to be paid for".

    @Faraz Khwaja---I have always believed that nationalists are the people who betray their country in the end.

  9. let them attack us,and we Insha Allah will teach them a lesson

  10. Yes ! Inshalah ! At least People will get Rid of the Mean Politicians here !

    Love ALLah= Everything that u Mentioned is Still Happening in Pakistan ! the only difference is Muslims are Killing Muslims. I think when America Comes It will be far better then it is Right now ! As u dont live here u dont have a clue about what is going thru ppls Mind ! I go out and socialize with many people and to be Honest they are all Fed up and say That they want America to take Over atleast we will live a better life then this one ! I respect u as ur My Pakistani sister But sitting 1000z of miles away and acting as if u really know about how it is  over here is  naive !

    And yes Coming to Pakistan for Holidays for a month or 2 and living here permanently is totally different !

    And sorry to say But Shame on u cause ur not even living here and talking if everythings going along fine here !  Trust me its worst then u can Imagine !

  11. Could be.  They shouldn't help the terrorists.  Do you guys really like the Taliban way of life?  Why can't you get rid of them instead of making us do it?  No Muslim country helped Iraqis when Hussein was murdering 250 (on average) a day and allowing women to be brutalized in his rape rooms.  

    So stop producing and harboring the bad guys!  It's simple really.

  12. I agree with the first poster----It's not a war on terrorism.. It's a war on Islam.

    Obama always makes weird remarks. What worries me is that see how much he tries to downplay his Muslim heritage? It worries me that he'll be an even more frantic supporter of this war just to prove that he's not a Muslim.

  13. I didn't hear or read anything like that.  Can you please provide the news link regarding Obama and Pakistan so I may read it.  

  14. Probably. I just pray Pakistan gets better instead of going down the drain day by day due to it's corrupt politicians..i wonder what quad-e-Azam must be thinkin now lookin at pakistan at it's condition and the condition of the people  

  15. i dnt think he said that and as long ar ur country dont have oil americans wont target you...

  16. Will depend of who will be the next crazy President of USA.

  17. Yea you are right.

  18. It won't be needed, there are worse things in there before US gets any chance!

  19. no pakistan government already works with enflish and american but probably syria or iran ....

  20. Hello,

    Best Pakistan worries more about India than America. We tend to turn the other cheek quite often in the west but the Hindus do not. When a terrorist bomb or killing occurs there, the vengeance taken out on Muslims at random is legendary.


    Michael Kelly

  21. No, it never will happen, cos our government is run by the US.  

    answer this one.;...

  22. I think Pakistan is under attack, everybody is living in threat.

    Pakistan was the first victim in this war.

    Pakistan needs a lot of payers these days.

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