
Is Palin's underaged & unmarried pregnant daughter just proof that s*x education should be taught in schools?

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...Before this sort of mother's neglect ruins another young girl's life, not to mention that fatherless child's life too?

Even if she is forced to marry the father, this will never be a marriage based on love.

It will always be a marriage based on a shotgun wedding.





  1. Nope, it is proof that safe s*x should be taught in the HOME.

  2. No its cool...Obama himself says only a sleezy lowlife would talk about such knock yourself out.


  3. I'm a Conservative Republican and I do believe that we need to teach s*x education....we can't deny that times have passed....

  4. Because her mother is against abortion.

  5. There is no need for proof for that.

  6. No they will just change the rules for the upper elitist.

    Jamie Spears and all those girls in Massachusetts.

    They can have babies out of wedlock.

    But Bill Cosby will still preaching about "unwed" African American girls.

  7. yes.  abstinence only only leads to pregnant kids.  can we please stop pretending that s*x is bad or that teenagers don't have it and start providing free contraception to all??

  8. s*x education is taught in schools. Palin does not even believe in birth control.

  9. No, because we have no evidence that in her case it was not taught.  Knowing something and practicing it are not the same.

  10. Where did the girl go to school?

    Did she have your beloved s*x ed?

    Why do so many girls who have this s*x ed end up pregnant and/or infected with std's.

  11. In school yes, but more importantly at HOME!

  12. Condoms are all over the place and kids still get pregnant.  They do what they want.  

  13. It is taught in school but no one listens.

  14. Yeah, they should start learning in Kindergarten like Barry Soetero suggests.

  15. No, at least she's of age. Enough said, LEAVE IT ALONE, it's none of your business.

    MCCAIN ? PALIN '08

  16. Maybe if abstinence was taught she would not of gotten pregnant!

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