
Is Palin Quayle-ified to be VP? ?

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  1. No way. This woman is a joke! She is a right wing wacko who wants to pass all her beliefs onto us.  

  2. M'kay, no, m'kay.

  3. Palin is a much better pick than Quayle ever was!

    McCain/Palin in'08 !

  4. qualified? no

    Quayle-ified? yes

  5. Just because a woman is strongly anti-abortion, or that she is a woman, is not reason enough to vote for this team.  

  6. No, absolutely not!  Check out this website...she opposes protection of salmon from mining contamination?  Do we really want someone like that in any position of authority?  What is wrong with her?  Well sounds like a typical republican.

  7. LMAO

    It is really an insult to Quayle to compare Sarah to him but....

    She is qualified to run a small city of 9,000, that's it.

    She should be at home caring for her Down Syndrome baby.

  8. Yaaaaawwwwwnnnnn, childish!!!  Thanks for the two points though!

  9. that was a great way to put it... lol

    you are awesome

  10. I'll go with her

    1) She has run governments, albeit small ones.  Alaska is a huge state and one with a very harsh climate.  I'll bet she has had to deal with challenges no other governor has had to face.

    2) Obama and Biden have never managed anything. I'm not comfortable with the idea that their first ever management job is one involving nuclear weapons.

    3) I'll take her principles and her stand on issues over anything Biden or Obama has to offer.  

    4) Let's face it, the left's sexism just keeps popping up.

  11. You should be asking this question about Biden.  He is the one with the personality disorders. Watch for sarcasm erupting into temper tantrums.  Obama may have to "distance" himself from HairPlugGuy, eventually removing him from the ticket.  Then Obama will offer the VP slot to Hillary, and Hillary will flip Obama the bird.

  12. Not going to work this time. Quayle was not a Governor and was not a reformer of any kind.

    Sarah Palin's Resume vs. Barack Obama's Resume


  13. Definitely Quayle-ified, not qualified though

  14. Funny.  Palin is more qualified to be VP OR PRESIDENT, than Obama is to be President...or any other elected office for that matter.

  15. She is more qualified than Obama.

    (you spelled qualified wrong)

  16. Hmmm.  I Obama Quayle-ified to be Pres?

  17. Is Obama qualified to be president with him having no government executive experience ?

  18. Absolutely not.

  19. sure is. Is Obama  the "KERRYECT" choice for President?  

  20. Yes. More qualified to be vice president than Obama is to be president.

  21. Dan Quayle? Is he the idiot who thinks we have 57 states?

  22. Not one bit!!! She's only been Governor for a year and a half. She was first a mayor of a town of 8,500 and before that she worked as a sports-reporter. She has no overseas experience and she has a degree in journalism. Alaska has a population of about  million people. It's scary to think that she'll be our next president if McCain dies in office. She's most likely a good person, and attractive. But she's not ready. She's a Republican political ploy!

  23. Palin is 10 times more qualified than Nobuma or that crotchity old f**t MaCain!!

    Palin for president 2012!

  24. If she is..I am. This woman has a class C felony for crying out loud. She is scandoulous.

  25. uh, let me think...hmmm, No!

  26. I doubt it, unless she learns to spell tomatoe and potatoe.

  27. She`s more brains then you. She`s hotter than you and you wife or girlfriend. And she`ll make a h**l of a VP.

    And when McCain wins, let`s hope he dies in office so she can be president. She`ll be the hottest president ever.

  28. No she is not even close to being qualified

    Laughed when read Cindy Mc Cain said Palin is great pick and has more experience in International affairs  because Alaska is 300 miles from Palin does know about foriegn policy

    A soccer mom running for the highest office in the land USA is now the laughing stock of the world

    Not even funny and extremely scary to know people are supporting this mindless pick....all because Mc Cain is after the Evangelists

    People do not even know her, Mc Cain meet her once, talked to her twice and he is putting the country at risk

    A joke  

  29. No, and John's old self could die. She is the 2 year govorner of Alaska, the 47th most populous state at 650,000, the same size as El Paso TX. How could she know anything about issues that face the more populated US states?

  30. Obama is Biden's Quayle.  Hehehehehehehehe!

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