
Is Palin a McCain "offering" to Putin?

by Guest64845  |  earlier

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Is Palin a McCain "offering" to Putin?




  1. Come into the 21st century man, that sexist bs isn't going to fly anymore.

  2. McCain reminds me of Austin Powers Gold Member, where he (Gold Member) pulls off a piece of his skin and eats it and says, "i'm from shweedin isn't dat veeird."

  3. I admit it's a good question, (I do not like admitting that though)

    Republicans understand that we must always be in Russia's face,

    The Russians are fine, I was there in 2006

  4. Stay in the country.  Who the heck cares what Putin thinks?  He's Russian and can't be trusted.  The answer to your question is NO.  This decision was made for the base that keeps this country frrom becoming socialist/communist.  Obama/Biden is Putins choice.  He needs heads of state who are claylike so he can form them into what he needs.

  5. Yes, a burnt offering.

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