
Is Palin actually hurting McCain?

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In this new release McCain has lost ground since Friday in 2 out of 3 battleground states.




  1. I  don't think she is hurting him.

    She has enticed all the people I know.

    Even brought some dems over to his side.

  2. No but she is BLISTERING BaRack.

  3. No, she's helping him to succeed in his secret agenda to destroy the Republican party.

  4. SHe hasn't even spoken yet.

    Wait till next week.

    If she hits it out of the park tonight. it is over for Obama.

    If not-  well, I will be closing my businesses and moving my money offshore!

    Don't tell my employees...

  5. shes not helping

  6. I think as the answers come out about the trooper thing and if her speech is halfway good she'll help a lot.  

  7. No she is the best choice a strong Christian woman. President Bush last night gave McCain and Palin the best speach last night. This Georgia Girl is 100%  McCain Palin 08!

  8. What? Your crazy! She is a strong social conservative and has been deemed a maverick just like McCain! She is getting all the social conservatives excited, all the Independents excited and of course all the women excited which make up 52% of the voting this year! Good try! Check out my avatar and know your place! McCain / Palin 08!!!

  9. Palin's a huge factor and it's an anchor on McCain's neck.

    Short term...they took a hit.  It's very possible, depending on how her speech comes off tonight, that she could get a boost.   Over time, as the real story about her comes out about her radical views, it's going to make it impossible for McCain to win.  

    The big problem is that it gives Obama/Biden a 100 ways to attack McCain and destroy's McCain's major advantage over Obama....experience.

    Noonan and Murphy were right.....It's over.

  10. mccain will never win. he is old and is just another BUSH

  11. I think she will help him, I can't wait to hear her speech.  There are more of us out here who are excited about voting Republican now, this has energized us.

  12. Yes, too many uncertainties for Vice Presidency.

  13. i think she is! atleast from her hole daughter thing and the only reason y mccain picked her was because she is femal obama has most of the female votes so he needed more and i think he lost more the won more

  14. He'll bounce back! She's just what we need!  

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