
Is Palin as far right and Obama is far left ?

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Obama says he stop the war but he's only going to transfer the troops from Iraq into harms way in Afghanstan.At least Palin and McCain practice what they preach McCain has a son in Irag and Palin has one on the way.




  1. Maybe, but I sure like what I've heard from her so far. At least we know where she stands and I'm not sure where Obama stands. I've only heard generalities from him like the same ole thing we have been hearing from the Democrats for years and maybe even some Republicans, too. She seems very refreshing, and I believe she is being truthful and has evidence of her track record. I can't say the same for Obama and when he talks about change he scares me. I'm not sure I want to see his changes. It looks like a very interesting match-up with McCain and Palin since both seem to be for the country and her people rather than for themselves and their political careers.

  2. as for a child in the military, bidens son will be stationed in Iraq.

    do you mean transferring the war to where the danger sleeps instead of telling the american public lie after lie so you could keep fighting in Iraq?  why are we in Iraq again?

    we certainly aren't fighting any war on terror.

    i guess we are there still because of nonexistent WMD so they can pretend to protect us from a danger that was never in Iraq.

    and mccain would like to keep the war of lies going for as long as he can and keep dumping billions anto a war that never should have happened. I would be supportive of a war if someone could give me one REAL reason to remain in Iraq.

  3. Neither is very extreme one way or the other.  Personally, I have some limited support for the Afghan War, none for the Iraq War.  Bin Laden was who attacked us, yet he is free to wander around the mountains in Afghan and Pakistan?  I don't think so.  It has been proven time and time again that Saddam Hussein had no connections to Bin Laden and had no weapons of mass destruction; yet there we sit having lost 4,151 American lives and the certainty that there will be more.  McCain wants us to continue that legacy.  Obama wants it to change.

  4. Ummm....if you noticed, Obama is center. He doesn't agree with everything the Democrats want. He wants to be bipartasan. He is not like McCain, who cowtowed to everything bush wanted, including torture. McCain knows how he felt, yet he agreed to bush. In 2000, he used to be what he calls himself a "Maverick". Now he's just a follower.

    Obama 08

  5. Yes, they're both unhealthy extremes.

  6. Yes! the answer is what has worked for america for so long! Compromising the extremes!  Mccain is the only candidate who has been shown to step across party lines in the past, but he hasnt been doing it so much in the present.  

    and to the person who said "Ummm....if you noticed, Obama is center. He doesn't agree with everything the Democrats want. He wants to be bipartasan. He is not like McCain, who cowtowed to everything bush wanted, including torture. McCain knows how he felt, yet he agreed to bush. In 2000, he used to be what he calls himself a "Maverick". Now he's just a follower."

    WHAT kind of dream world are u living in.  Obama's voting record shows he is one of the most liberal members of congress. Some say he is more liberal than kucinich.  Even clinton is much more towards the center than he is.  Name one vote that he took that was "center"

  7. we shouldnt even be in iraq you loser. alot of great republicans were overpassed because of palin

  8. I'm curious:

    How is getting out of Bush's mess in Iraq and taking the war to Afghanistan considered 'far left'?

    Didn't Halliburton s***w us enough already in the pocketbook--or do we still need to stay until the American taxpayer is dead and the US Treasury broke?

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