
Is Palin being attacked by the left for refusing to have an abortion?

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For her daughter's refusal to have an abortion.




  1. She's being attacked for being irresponsible and getting pregnant when she was 17.

  2. No it's ironic that she favors abstinence only programs when Obviously they Do Not Work...

    hypocrite comes to mind...

  3. She is being attacked for her poor parenting skills.

  4. You are the first person I've seen suggest that.

  5. She is going to have that baby, Great! But at least she gets to decide and make her own decision and nobody told her she has to have that baby. She can make a "CHOICE"!

  6. No..  The point is that she is out there have premarital s*x.  And she was having unprotected s*x, while Sarah Fallin continues to advocate abstinence only education.   This proves that abstinence only education doesn't work, and we need to be teaching our kids about safe s*x.      

    This proves the liberals right..   our s*x eduction should be inclusive of safe s*x and birth control education.    Abstinence only never works..  Look even the governor's daughter is having unprotected s*x and getting pregnant in high school.  

  7. Yes...  

    What is even more interesting is that Palin is exactly what every Democratic woman stands for! Palin is a woman that rose to the top through hard work and she makes more money than her husband. She has done all of this while raising 5 children... She brings home the bacon and frys it up in a pan and many woman that are Democrats are afraid of her...

    As for Palins daughter... What was Obama doing when he was 17 years old? In his book he wrote that he was snorting cocaine, smoking pot and drinking beer.....

    Let's look at Al Gore child on the eve of the Democratic convention of 2004.. He was arrested for drunk driving....

    This is great Palin is a real woman not wearing pant suits.. She is gorgeous and she will be the United States next VP....

    Joe Biden's younger son Hunter Biden accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour

  8. Being attacked because of the change that she will bring. Someone that fights corruption, scares Washington.

  9. She is being attacked because she is a successful good looking women that stands up for those that can't. Eveything the Left says they stand for!

  10. no, not at all. she's being judged for being a hypocrite.  

  11. Probably. The libs love to murder the innocent and unborn, and certainly do not like anyone with a good set of morals and values.

    Paul Ron, vote for him, employee of the month at Goodwill Industries. Makes a great shoe salesman!

  12. This is a terrible thing for you to say.  You are how I view all Republicans.  I thank God that I am not you.

  13. No. She's being attacked because she openly praises her daughter's supposed "DECISION," a word that Palin herself used, to have the child, when Palin wants to restrict all the other women in America from having that choice.

  14. Palin is being attacked by the left mainly because she is John McCain's choice for vice-president.  On top of that, you can add ultra-conservative, pro-gun, pro-life, EXPERIENCE in executive matters, American-loving, right-wing, independent thinking Republican woman.

    She is their worst nightmare because she is NOT "the same old thing" like Joe Biden (where is the "change" in Biden, with 35 years of democrat talking-points as initiative?), she will unite the Republican party in a manner that no other candidate could, and she will bring more women who supported Hillarhoid to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

  15. No.  But it is amazing that liberals can't understand that your beliefs don't change because a family member makes a mistake.

  16. I hate to say it..but I have to wonder if they aren't upset being reminded there is more then one option.

    If you are truly "pro-choice" which I think most people would be okay with her ....whatever choice she made would be acceptable.

    I think some people though..are "pro-abortion" where they see keeping the child as the problem and aborting it as the bandaid that fixes everything.

  17. I don't think the attacks have anything to do with abortion.  Palin is being attacked for having double standards.  She feels that teaching abstinence is all the Americans need to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but apparently she doesn't feel the need to teach her own children about abstinence.

  18. I don't think anyone faults the young Palin for getting pregnant. That's what happens when you preach abstinence education.

  19. They won't be happy until she commits infanticide.

  20. No, she is being judged as a two faced liar who has been caught out on her deceptions 5 times in the past week.

  21. No, abortion is the last resort, there are condoms and birth control and she doesn't like that either

  22. She's not being "attacked" she is reaping the consequences of saying one thing, and doing another.

    And you're clearly clueless about the whole abortion thing. Our entire philosophy has always been IT'S THE WOMAN'S CHOICE.

    Want me to translate that for you?

    It means that if a woman does not WANT an abortion, that is her choice.

  23. No. She is being attacked because she does not believe it is a "right" to destroy your offspring as it grows in your womb.

    She believes in personal responsibility, if you choose not to use, or have a failure of, one of the MANY birth control options we have, which she is IN FAVOR OF:

    "She is pro-contraception and said she's a member of a pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life. "I believe in the strength and the power of women, and the potential of every human life," she said. "

    Source: Anchorage Daily News, "Little play," by K. Hopkins Aug 6, 2006

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