
Is Palin going to be voted off the election and be replaced because of her family and past controversy?

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Is Palin going to be voted off the election and be replaced because of her family and past controversy?




  1. Consider that a blessing,  

  2. No

  3. I sure hope not, it doens't get any better than this.

    Country First

    Obama/Biden 08

  4. Alaskatucky is an endless source of comedy material. Water cooler jokes abound at my workplace.

  5. The British are saying that it's now eight to one odds.  It will be great for the Republicans if she leaves the ticket.  First they get the sympath votes because of how poorly and personally the media attacked her.  Then, they get to appoint a solid candidate and get the bump for having a qualified vp candidate on the ticket.  I think the whole thing was designed by Karl Rove, personally.

  6. "...voted off the election..."

    And this means WHAT, exactly?

  7. Not a chance! That's what the liberal bloggers  would like to see, and that is what they are trying to do with all of their ridiculous attacks on her and her family.  But that is very likely going to back fire on them in two ways.  It will galvanize  the Republican base to get out and fight for this election; and it is not what he average American wants to see in an election.  What they want is a plan for fixing the things they see as wrong in the country.  What they are getting are hateful personal attacks on her for things that are common to nearly every American family.  Unplanned pregnancy, driving offenses, her husband having driven under the influence over 20 years ago.  In essence they are seeing the average American family attacked.  That is not what they want and the Democrats are going to pay a price for that.

  8. Maybe b/c she is a hypocrite.

    She cut funding for teen moms.  And doesn't support s*x ed programs or contraceptives.  Interesting.  

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