
Is Palin still going to have that winning smile and confidence when McCain drops dead after a month in office?

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or is she going to c**p her pants when she realizes that she actually has to DO something.




  1. I'd rather have a p**p in her panties Palin, then Obama any day.

  2. Sarah palin is awesome...i wanna be EXACTLY  like her when I grow up! (except better lol)

  3. I am sure she as ready as Bill Clinton was when he went from gov. of a little state to President.  The other thing is, what makes you think that McCain is going to drop dead after a month in office?

    I wonder how Obama's work with ACORN, a known voter fraud group, prepared him for office.

  4. If McCain dropped dead in office, I fear that Sarah would be dropping 10,000 nukes on the rest of the world in the name of God and Country.  She takes her religion seriously.  

  5. Got a scatological thing goin', do ya? lol

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