
Is Palin the Worst Vice Presidential Pick Ever?

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Is Palin the Worst Vice Presidential Pick Ever?




  1. NO! Al Gore was!

  2. Yes, but Spiro and Danny Q were close

  3. YES! She's worse than Lieberman and Quayle. She just made history - as the worse vice presidential pick ever.  

  4. Pretty much, yep.

  5. Agnew was pretty bad.

    Quayle was pretty ineffective.

    Gore was hideous.

    George HW Bush probably was a better VP than Prez.

    Obama would have made a better VP pick.

    Those who remember Stockdale (Perot) and his abysmal debate performance may list him on the worst ever. Too bad, Stockdale was a true military hero - just a lousy politician.

    Palin is probably on par with Quayle - doesn't really help or hurt McCain in the long run.

  6. Yes.  And, in my opinion, that says worlds more about John McCain than it does about Sarah Palin.

  7. I'd say Spiro Agnew might have been worse.  Palin is as inept as Agnew, but in such a short time, she hasn't had an opportunity to become as corrupt.

    People compare her to Dan Quayle, who was also an attractive pinhead.  But he at least had some experience, and in retrospect, he didn't actually do any harm.  

    I go back only as far as Truman.  I don't know a great deal about the VP's that were nominated before my time.

  8. No. Gore was

  9. She is much more qualified than the Obama gang.

  10. / No.  The best.

    The worst Vice President pick ever was a guy named Joe Biden.

  11. Quayle was a terrible vice president but Bush Sr won due mainly to the popularity of the republican party aka Reagan.

    This time however not such a good idea McCain 72 could die at any given time due to advance age or get out of commision for whatever advance aging could bring. Thus leaving us with Palin who lives in the 19th century rather than the 21st century.

  12. Yes. LOL @ John McCain.

    He just rid himself of the only (somewhat) good argument he had against Barack.

  13. The best pick ever!

  14. The worst i;ve ever seen

  15. amen to that haha

    now obama is definently going to win.

    vote smart

    vote obama  

  16. I guess you never heard of Dan Quayle.  And yet Bush the first still got elected.

  17. Nope....

    Geraldine Ferraro....  James Stockdale, Walter Mondale

    I could probably come up with even worse picks.

  18. I wouldn't call her the "worst", but she was definitely not a wise pick on McCain's part.

  19. Spiro Agnu.

  20. Pretty tough to top Quayle.  But McBush did it!

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