
Is Palin the right choice for Cheney's Execu-legisltative branch of the US Government?

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Is Palin the right choice for Cheney's Execu-legisltative branch of the US Government?




  1. are you kidding? 2 yrs as Gov. then mayor of a town of under 10,000?

    Involved in TWO scandals!!!

    I thought McCain kept hammering Obama for lack of international experience! This woman has less experience than G.W.!!

    For God's sake this woman has been picked because she looks like Hillary!  It is a desperate grab for the 18,000,000 votes that Hillary drew to the democratic party

    Any Hillary democrat or Puma that votes for john Mccain is really a republican

  2. Absolutely NOT!!

    What scares me is the fact that if McCain does kick the bucket that would leave a premenopausal female in charge of the you want that answering the phone at 3am? I surely dont and i am a hillary supporter!

    Not to take anything away from who she is but i have an issue with her running this country when she has a 4 month old with special needs, i think her time would be better served working on her family. What happened to family first? Will she be able to be a mother and run this country or will she rely on our tax paying dollars to raise her kid. I just cant see her spending the long hours and the dedication that the job requires..something will suffer and either choice her child or the country is the wrong choice.

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