
Is Palin the right woman for modern America?

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Some facts about her:

She opposes just about every issue that women support by a majority or plurality. She believes that creationism should be taught in public schools but disbelieves global warming; she opposes gun control but supports government control of women's wombs; she opposes stem cell research but approves 'abstinence-only' programs, which increase unwanted births, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions; she tried to use taxpayers' millions for a state program to shoot wolves from the air but didn't spend enough money to fix a state school system with the lowest high-school graduation rate in the nation; she runs with a candidate who opposes the Fair Pay Act but supports $500 million in subsidies for a natural gas pipeline across Alaska; she supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, though even McCain has opted for the lesser evil of offshore drilling.

Do you think she has our best interests at heart?




  1. If people have no problem with a President-in-Waiting posing for nude photos and having an extramarital affair with her husband's business partner, then there should be no problems, no problems at all.;...

  2. no and if people ever see a video of her church with people rolling on the floor and speaking in tongues they will agree shes not.i saw an interview with a librarian from her small town that said palin was actually trying to find out how to get rid of "offensive"books.

  3. How could she???? All she spoke about was herself and McCain's life....I want exact details and of exact issues...they seem to leave that out, not to mention McCain energy plan is to build 100 nuclear power plants on our soil..Way to build 100 new enemy targets...and he plans to be of oil by 2030, while Obama in only 10 yrs, also McCain will create 700,000 jobs, and Obama wants 5 million, just like Bill Clintons amazing 23 million jobs created....Is McCain even gonna be alive to see his policies mature?

  4. No. She is a former beauty queen with money and can not relate to American women or American people with real troubles.

  5. Of course she isn't. Does that mean a ton of women won't 'feel a connection to her' and vote for her b/c she is a woman?? Nope....people often get caught up in stories and forget that this woman's stance on all the issues is radically backwards and very similar to the past 8 years.

  6. Nope....Talk is cheap but no action after this..just watch the fun

  7. NO, I do not believe she is the right woman to represent all Americans.  She is very out of tune with the true issues of the lower 48.  She is not someone I look up to as a role model as both a mother and working mom.  Her stance on her issues are just all wrong.  JMO.;...

  8. I think she is probably one of the worst role models for women. How can someone with young children especially one with special needs be able to put her job as possible leader of this country first, and before anyone calls me sexists, if she could put her job before her children then we really have problems. Sorry, she's a double edged sword. I knew McCain was going to pick a woman but honestly I figured it would have been someone with more experience and someone who doesn't have children who need her, I thought he would have chosen Senator Hutchinson or someone more along that line. I still would not vote Republican but with the fact that I am not crazy about Obama it might have kept me at home. The good thing about Palin is now I am for sure voting for Obama to help ensure that McCain and her won't win.

  9. Let's let the voters decide in November.

  10. H*ll yeah!  She's a real woman, not a manbeast, wanna be a man like Hitlary!

  11. Nope.  I think she is too "out there".  Just more of the same only it's a female this time.

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