
Is Palin the school teacher from h**l?

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I almost got 2 many years ago who lived up to their names... Mrs. Savage and Miss E-rat and in that mold I see Palin.





  1. No.

  2. Be afraid. Be very afraid!!!

  3. well...she is hot...

  4. I promise to

    1. Put Mooseburgers on every American menu

    2. Make hunting and fishing part of the high school graduation requirements

    3. Ensure you carry your baby full-term no matter what.  I did it.

    4. Send your daughters to the front line along with your sons

    and finally

    5. Cover D.C. with ice so my husband has transportation.

    This I SWEAR to you.

  5. Get a Life.The only thing from h**l is what Obama wants to do to the USA.

  6. Dude I had a dirty dream w/ her last night, weird, cuz i never have those......Watch Varsity Blues she looks like the stripper/teacher.....  

  7. No - But she looks like the Swiffer Duster lady  

  8. no, like it is said in Football a great “hail mary” move… great moment in history … the first female VP will be Republican..THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!

    .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

  9. Since I do not believe in h**l this is like asking: Is Palin the school teacher from OZ? Well, since Oz does not exist . . . no.

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