
Is Palin trying to return us to the dark ages?

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She is heavily invested in big oil corporations. She openly stated that creationism should be openly discussed in schools (she later flip flopped.) She supported the bridge to no where (when it hit the news she later flip flopped.) She says that science is unreliable, and that polar bears are not endangered by global warming. She has openly opposed civil rights for homosexuals, and she supported a bill that would have denied state health care to only homosexuals. Do we really need to return to the dark ages with this far-rightest?




  1. I don't like her, and I believe she's going to lose McCain a lot of votes. She was a very poor choice.

    I am very for g*y rights of all kinds, (I'm straight, but I would hope I feel as strongly as about homosexual rights as a homosexual person would) which is one of the main reasons I'm so against the Republican party this election. People are people. They all deserve to be happy and be healthy no matter what their sexuality is.

    Science is reliable, and that's why we use it in our everyday lives. 3rd graders know that.

    I agree with you about her wanting to return us to the dark ages, and I wish I was turning 18 intead of 17 this year so I could have my say and vote.

    In response the the person below me, g*y isn't wrong. It's been going on since forever. Just because a book says it's wrong, doesn't make it true. g*y individuals are not hurting anybody. They have more meaningful relationships than most straight people, because they actually appreciate what a relationship means because they have to fight for it.

  2. Better a far rightist than can get the world back in shape before it totally turns in to Sodom and Gomorrah, then the wacko leftist idiots who want to see us destroyed and the entire world go straight to h**l. So g**s deserve Civil rights. How were you created? Do you have a mom and a dad or a mom and a mom or a dad and a dad? Are you a test tube baby or were you created the old fashioned way? Get freakin real. Its wrong. g**s are wrong. They deserve no rights except the right to leave if they dont like the way it is here. Go to some liberal country where it is legal and live there. We need Palin. We need her badly.  

  3. How could any Hillary supporters vote for McCain !~  

  4. Only some people are stupid enough to buy the c**p that McCain is selling.

  5. Dark ages?  I think you mean "re enlightenment".  Just because you and most of the media brainwashed a large segment of society, doesn't mean you can corrupt everyone.  Come on, be sensible.

  6. You aren't describing the dark ages there... most of that sounds like proper conservative thinking.  It's a good alternative to Sodom and Gomorrah.

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