
Is Parapsychology a science?

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Is Parapsychology a science?




  1. Sure it is.  Just about anything can be studied scientifically.  Is the body of work produced so far by people calling themselves parapsychologists "good science"?  The answer to that question is in the eye of the beholder.

    The Parapsychology Association's affiliation with the AAAS is notoriously dubious, so take that little tidbit of information with a grain of salt.

  2. Parapsychology is the science of studying E.S.P, telepathy, the paranormal, and altered states of conciousness. So to answer your question...yes Parapsychology is a science.

  3. Most scientists would say no since parapsychology researchers have turned up remarkably little convincing evidence for their claims in all this time. On the other hand, parapsychology does have a tiny few proponents who seem to think just the opposite, that it has a valid body of evidence. Which is right?  It's not a matter of popular vote, so the shear number of scientists who don't believe in it should not matter. I guess the best answer I can give is that to the extent that parapsychology is investigated using proper scientific theory and methods, it is science. It's just my opinion that this doesn't happen much.

  4. Nono nonononononononononononoono. Its a scam. The End Full Stop.

  5. I searched the AAAS site and there were no results.So I guess it's Pseudoscience.

  6. When it wins a Nobel prize then it will be.

    Don't hold your breath.

  7. yes

  8. i wouldn't say that scientists don't allow "new" sciences hardly, since new things are being discovered everyday!

    but, there are legitimate experiments being conducted on subjects such as telepathy and telekinesis.  however, there are somethings that are faith based, such as religious beliefs, "psychics," and aliens from outerspace (not to say they're not out there, but there are loads of other possibilities than just aliens).  Basically something is scientific if you can apply the scientific method to it.  Can you do experiments with aliens (how can you if you don't have any with you ;) )?  Can you do experiments with telekinesis?

    so, I would say it depends on what parapsychology is actually referring to, when one wants to claim it is a science.

  9. Well, it does end in a 'logy' suffix, it must be!

    Here's Webster's definition:

    parapsychology (-s kale je)


    the branch of psychology that investigates psychic phenomena, as telepathy, extrasensory perception, or clairvoyance

    Here's another one:

    "Parapsychology is the study of seeming mental awareness of or influence upon external objects, without any physical or energetic means of causation which scientists currently understand. Most objects of study fall within the realm of "mind-to-mind" influence (such as extra-sensory perception and telepathy), "mind-to-environment" influence (such as psychokinesis) and "environment-to-mind" (such as hauntings). Collectively, these abilities are often referred to as "psionics". Another definition of parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena."

    Astrologers claim their domain is a science, but the 'real scientists' laugh.

    Those 'real scientists' allow new 'sciences' very hardly so I'd conclude it is a controversial science, but a science. And a science with a great future.

  10. There is no objective criteria for what constitutes a science (as both a body of knowledge and method) by any organization.

    Parapsychology is recognized as a science by the largest scientific organization in the United States.

    The Parapsychological Association (link below) was elected (by a vote of 6 -1) as an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (link below) in 1969.

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