
Is Paris Hilton beutiful?

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Is paris hilton beutiful. I think shes beutiful.




  1. You know when the category said Paris... they were talking about the city...

  2. she has a fukd up nose sory for the lang but i dont know what to say. she has nice legs and hair though

  3. Why are people on here so mean?

    I think Paris is beautiful. I admire her for staying the way she is. I actually saw her talking on television a long time ago about how she would never get her chest done b.c she is smaller in the chest area. I really admired her for that. It made me feel better about myself.

    I used to think she was materialistic and stuck up but, really she doesnt seem that way anymore. She seems very sweet.

  4. Paris Hilton is a perfect example that outward physical beauty means little when the soul inside is made ugly by materialism, self indulgence, false pride, and arrogance.

    Give me inner beauty and no matter what the body that contains it I will see that beauty shining through. For that inner beauty  is the only beauty that is real,  the only beauty that endures.

  5. no

  6. I don't think so. And she's soooo stupid !

  7. in my opinion she is really sweet but not beautiful.

  8. NO. shes not beautiful at all. outside she just looks like a fake s***k and inside shes a dumbass with no talent

    add it together

    its not beautiful

  9. can't stand her at all...she looks like a chuwawa (sp?) ...she is a materialistic B......, and i don't understand all the hype about her...lots of women are WAY prettier

  10. Yeah, nice Hotel in Paris, near 16e district.

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