
Is Paris really that great?

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You see it on TV and its the City of Wine, Romance and fine foods....but what’s the down side, does it have terrible crime...anything?




  1. It's cleaner, more relaxed, pleasanter than London. I didn't see any crime!

    There are some less than salubrious areas outside the areas tourists wouldn't normally go.

    Like any other city there are expensive places and less expensive places and places you wouldn't be seen dead in.

    Tip: If you are thinking of going to the Louvre, it's free on the first Sunday of each month.

  2. J'adore Paris!  I've been there several times, once with a group and three times by myself.  I enjoy just walking around the neighborhoods and looking at shops and beautiful buildings.  

    I was on the Metro by myself at midnight and at 6 am and felt perfectly safe.  I wouldn't go walking around the outskirts or in the parks at night, but main streets are busy enough that no one would try anything serious.  

    To economize, I rent an apartment from a friend of a friend or stay in an apartment hotel so that I can cook my own dinner.  It's fun to walk through the outdoor markets on Montorgueil and Mouffetard to buy food.  I spoil myself by indulging in lunch out every day.  My favorite cafe is Les Canons des Gobelins near the Gobelins metro station.

    The only downer is that if you're a woman walking around by yourself, you will get hit on.  Some of the men are very persistent.  If you encounter someone like that, look for a police officer or start shouting at him.

  3. I've lived here for 17 years and love it. It is just as beautiful to me as the first time I saw it!  It has all of the convenience of a big city, but is actually fairly small as cities go.

    There is crime, as there is in any large city, but it is extremely rare for me to feel unsafe.

    The downside is the weather, it is very cold and rainy in the winter and for most of the month of August.  

    Oh, and the strikes (transport, garbage or air traffic) are paralyzing and they really irk me!

  4. No its dirty and me i live here.

  5. it's ok , just a posh, french sounding england

  6. I'm not mad about it to be quite honest. It's good to go see the various sights but thats about it. The guys that sell stuff on the streets are pushy and a bit creepy. And if you're thinking of going, watch your pockets!

  7. Paris is beautifully preserved well kept, clean (they wash the streets every morning) and easy cities to get around.  The Metro is inexpensive, safe, and easy to use.  On any given street even the buildings are beautiful and many streets are lined with chestnut trees.  The parks, fountains, and public gardens are clean and well maintained.  The food is legendary but may be pricey and not to everyone's taste.  Stick to sandwiches or simple fare when eating at the many cafes. Any place you're likely to eat (save McDonald's) will have a house wine.  It flows like soft drinks over there.  Your waiter may not be ignoring you when you want the check but surprised you're ready to leave.  The French are never in a hurry to eat and run.  There is no downside.  Crime is not a problem at all and if there is one downside it's the traffic.  Never attempt to drive there.  They have one speed.  FAST!

    A trip in a taxi is a laugh a minute because not only is it fast, it's like Mr. Toad's wild ride.  I've spent two solid weeks there on one trip and never ran out of things to see.  If you go, allow one day to get out of town to see the finest chateau and garden in France. Vaux le Vicomte.




  8. well, every place might have somethings you dont like.

    I have been to paris a few times, i love it!! ( :

  9. i live in paris from last four months and to be very frankly i dont feel so good here may be it because of our language difference but i dont like it alot as i have an imaginations of paris according to me now It is not equal to my emaginations

  10. i`ve spent years in San fransisco, Miami, Berlin and Paris


  11. It has its bad parts yes.  But,  it is amazing city to tour

  12. Yes it is that great, but ignore the gypsies.

  13. and a lot of prostitutes, but a so-so place

  14. The city of Wine? From what I read fewer and fewer young French drink wine. So few that the industry is worried. So it may not be the city of wine for much longer.

    The City of Romance? If you go there expecting to get laid because French women are easy you probably won't. Most French women know what their reputation is here and don't particularly like the way it makes our males act when in Paris.

    The City of Fine Foods? Still true but for how much longer? Le Gros Mac is taking over along with just about every other fast food. Sad but true.

    Is Paris really that great? Yes if you can stand all the down-sides. Crime, cost, pollution, etc which go with every big city. It is like going to New York except they speak French and it's a lot older. But a big city is a big city and they've all got the same problem.

    Obviously those problems are not so great. People still live there and enjoy themselves because thoses cities offer much to compensate the problems.

    Go and enjoy yourself.

  15. Look go to Paris and find out yourself.

    It can be a great city. Dont always take the metro, but walk or take a bus- you will see more of Paris that way. Dont eat and drink in cafes & restaurants on the tourists' circuits but go off the track a little so its not so expensive. Take a friend and as always just use common sense when out and about as anywhere in the world and you will be safe.  Maybe learn a few common words of French just to keep the "entente cordiale" up

    Have a nice time.

  16. The tourist area of Paris is quite small and is quite breathtaking.. The outskirts of Paris are like any other large city.

  17. no its full of FROGS

  18. The Parisians would have you believe it is but there are better more interesting cities in Europe than Paris,  Madrid Berlin for example

  19. Yes I loooove Paris. It is fun, full of history and beautiful. I found the french people to be very friendly and helpful! You just have to make an attempt to speak French, just as you'd want someone visiting the U.S. to try to speak English. There is wonderful food and great sites to visit. I'd definitely recommend it! And to the person who said it is like England, I couldn't disagree more, there is a completely different culture and vibe in France.

  20. Yes but don't go on your own. Well worth seeing. J'taime Paris.

  21. I really like the place, but like any big city there's going to be a down side.

    It seemed very civillised safe and sorted compared to London.

    I'm a country boy but I could live there.

  22. The downside is it is really expensive. Even to have a coffee and a sandwich you would need your checkbook.

  23. No special down side in there. Just go there and enjoy!! :-)

  24. It's dirty and expensive, and it's in France.

  25. no, its full of french, eughhh

  26. Paris is a lovely city, full of character and things to see and do.  Don't go to all the main tourist places but wander the streets as well to soak up the real Paris feeling.    If you're streetwise enough and have a bit of common sense, you'll be fine.   If you want to believe anyone's "horror" stories then that's up to you as it's a free world but you would be missing out.

    As someone who has lived in France in the past I would say one thing and that is if you can, explore other parts of France too.  People seem to think Paris is France.  It's not, it's only one small part of a great country.

  27. Paris is fantastic its the french that spoil it

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