
Is Paul Pierce even in the Top 5?

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With his recent comments bout him being the best player in the world.. that made me wonder does he even make the top 5?

1. kobe

2. lebron

3. Tim Duncan

4. chris paul


pp isnt even the best player on his team....




  1. not a top 5 player in my book

  2. No, he isn't in the top 5. In fact he might barely make the top 10 or 15.

    1. Kobe Bryant

    2. Tim Duncan

    3. Dwayne Wade

    4. Lebron James

    5. Dirk Nowitzki

    6. Steve Nash

    7. Allen Iverson

    8. Kevin Garnett

    9. Tony Parker

    10. Manu Ginobilli

    You could even make a case for Dwight howard, Chris Paul, or Ray Allen

  3. Yes, he is in the top 5 most dispicable and disgusting players.

    1. Paul Pierce

    2. Paul Pierce

    3. Ummm, I don't hate any other player except him.

    4. I don't hate KG, but cheating with illegal screens in the finals... That's low...

    5. Oh and PJ Brown. Someone needs to knock him out.

    I'm mainly a heat fan, but I hate Pierce. He faked that injury, flopped more than 3 times, and his bragging is worse than Ali's bragging. At least, Ali was able to back it up and be poetic about it.

  4. nope cuzs hes a faker

  5. he should be at most top 20

    top 5:

    1. kobe

    2 lebron



    also convenient that that could be a starting line up =)  

  6. you should ask for a refund. DEMAND A REFUND!


  7. i agree with everything u said but tim duncan is not number 3...he is maybe top 20 but not top 5...if anything allen iverson should b there...but anywayz paul pierce is a f***ing ****** and dats da TRUTH lol.

  8. I would say he's probably in the top 20....probably...

  9. Nope

  10. yes

  11. What up Sam M,

    i think most people would not consider him the best player on the planet- most certainly after the comments- that question was asked on PTI and Around the Horn, etc. and i've yet to hear one sports analyst agree with Paul Pierce's statement.

    Right now Pierce is on top of the world- i mean he's the finals MVP.  i think most would disagree with his statement not so much because of their support of another player- but because Paul Pierce had one great series and playoff run- but has not been the best in the game over a long sustained period of time.  

    You can say in this past year's playoffs he was the best!!!  But that does not make him the best in the NBA and most experts (actually i've yet to hear one) who agrees with Paul's assessment of himself.  He's made his statement let him come out and prove it- and let all the other players who think they are the best use that as motivation.  At the end i think Paul Pierce (and maybe a few of his teammates) would acknowledge him as the best player in the world...


  12. this list sucks


    1. kobe

    2. lebron

    3.chirs paul

    4. dwight howard

    5. dwyane wade  

  13. No he's not, but the only important thing that counts is he took Kobe to school in the Finals.

  14. Nope, not top five. Replace Duncan with Howard and you got it.

  15. no he is not top 5, not even top 10. pierce just goes out and looks more stupid by the day. flashing gang signs, making retarded statements, and then getting cuffed.  

  16. i could not agree more with you, my friend.

  17. hold on wait a sec did anyone see the finals when he fell and couldent get up had to get carried off cause he got a bobo lol kobe played half a year with a jacked up finger fisher played with a torn lig in his ankle and he says hes the best? to be the best u have to show how good and strong u r and now fake and get carried off then come back jmping like u were on a lunch break or had to take a c**p real fast hes not in top 5 or 25 id put him in top 50

  18. paul pierce is in the same level of greatness as rip hamilton, and with that said, he is definitely not in the top 5.  

  19. hes not even the best Small forward in the NBA, even before Lebron was drafted

  20. not even in the top 20

  21. Nope he ain't even top 25-30

    The person that said he ain't even the best on his team is right. Garnett should of gotten Finals MVP, not that rat faced c**k rider.

    Top 5 Players in the League as of right now.

    1. Tim Duncan(championship hardware has alot more value than stats on paper sheets)

    2. Kobe Bryant(81 pts is all it takes to be considered one of the greats of all time)

    3. Dirk Nowitzki( Biggest 3pt shootout champ,MVP of a 67 win team that recorded the Highest winning season of the decade)

    4. Lebron James(Only because his thrashing of the Detroit Pistons in 2007 was a spectatcular sight but the horrid ending of that series only made it sweeter to see him lose in the finals)

    5. Eh I'll put Steve Nash here since he has led his team to a 60 win seasons before even after his time in Dallas

  22. No, and if I were Kevin Garnett, I would be offended. Ill admit, he did a great job and hit some amazing shots in the finals, but he is nowhere near the best player in the world. I hope he was saying it with the mentality that you should have the confidence when you go out there every night that you are the best in the world like im sure the best do.

    Top 5:

    1.Kobe Bryant (81, and he'll do it again if he has to)

    2.LeBron James (Could do 30, 8, and 8 every season)

    3.Chris Paul (Wait till he starts droppin 25 a game with his 12 dimes)

    4.Kevin Garnett (The Defensive MVP and the heart of the team)

    5.Dwayne Wade (Last time he was healthy he got a ring)

    and im out

  23. I think he is in the top 50 what a joke saying he is better than kobe

    kobe is better than pierce last year kobe might went to the finals with nobody pierce what a joke cant even bring his team to the playoffs

    the mvp should have benn garnett

  24. So Kobe is number one just because you said so?  What make you think you know more than PP?  Can you beat Paul Pierce?  Is that why you know that he isn't?  

    What is your background on basketball that made you so sure that Paul isn't the best and that Kobe is the best?  

    You are so sure that Kobe is number one.  Is it because you heard some smuck in Yahoo Answer said that or your friends dad or what?  I really like to know how you know that Kobe is really the best and Paul Pierce is not?

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