
Is Paula Abdul of American idol is Muslim???

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Is Paula Abdul of American idol is Muslim???




  1. she iz muslim,her surname iz paula abdirizack abdullah buht abdul 4 short

  2. actually she is saudi arabia

    and she has a twin sister who was kidnapped when they were young.

    it was all over the news

  3. arab jews often have arabic names as arabic is their language also.'abdul' is a shortened form of 'servant of God' which is an acceptable jewish name

  4. no eventhough she has a muslim last name she is a jew. because both of her parents are too.

  5. her parents are from syria and are jews..and she is not muslim..
    it does not mean she dresses like that means anything...
    i come from a muslim country but i am not a muslim..and u would
    be surprised how muslims dress, some with nothing on...

  6. Her last name "Abdul" is a Muslim name. But i do not really think she is a Muslim and you cannot consider her a Muslim eithr :)

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