
Is Phantasy a good name for a baby girl?

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My sister is having a baby girl with a Black guy and they decided that they didn't want a typical "White name" like Elizabeth, Mary, Michelle, Katherine, Jennifer, etc.

So the father suggested some names that he says are "Black sounding" like Leticia, Moesha, or Jasmine.

I was thinking that Phantasy is more of a "Black sounding" name and also think that since the child will be born Black that it should have a Black name.

Do you have any other suggestions? The father and his wife have decided to raise the child as their own with their other children.




  1. How about something normal like, Sarah, Lisa, Janice, Marianne or Lyndsey? Phantasy definetely sounds like a stripper.

  2. i agree, it sounds like a stripper name there are beautiful black names, find another one.  how about alasiah.

  3. How about Oprah

  4. Are you stupid!? NO!!! Give her a normal REAL name.

    don't ruin her life.

  5. Phantasy is a horrible name, unless of course the parents have aspirations of the child growing up to be a stripper.

  6. You name a child for their individuality, not their race.

    Phantasy, does not seem like a good name for any child, but that is my opinion.

    Your last statement, confused me...your sister is not going to raise the baby, but the father and his wife are?

  7. You have got to be kidding. What are you planning this girl to do with her future, be a p**n star?  Sorry, sir, but your idea is offensive and , to me, disgusting. This kid will have enough problems without some goofy name to have to live down to.

  8. LOL Phantasy does sound like a stripper name.

    Of your short list of "ethnic" names, Jasmine is by far the best. Although that's hardly an "ethnic" choice.

    And there are black girls named Michelle, Jennifer, etc.

    About your last line... "The father and his wife have decided to raise the child as their own with their other children."

    That was sort of out of place. Why wouldn't they raise their child as their own with their other children?

    Is the pregnant girl in question his mistress or something?

    Edit: So the wife is going to raise the child of her husband and his mistress as her own? And she doesn't even get to name the child? The mistress does?

  9. You almost had me going there until the last paragraph.

    Is your sister married to the father?  Otherwise, why would the father and his wife be raising the kid "as their own" if it's not their own?  Is your sister giving up the baby to the father and his wife?  If so, then I don't think you have any say in what to name the baby.

    But to answer your question, that is a HORRIBLE name to inflict on a kid.  Even worse than Condoleezza.

    Also, there is no separate list of names for black people.

  10. I agree Phantasy sounds like an exotic dancer. If you would prefer an original name go with something more like "Epiphany, or Raine, or Asha" try to steer away from stuff that sounds too s**y cause sure she'll be grown up one day but she still has to have some pride in her name.

    Omg you're such a troll. i cant believe i fell for that.

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