
Is Phil Gould destroying NRL with his commentaries?

by Guest33122  |  earlier

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he always questions refs decisions, as if he knows everything, it is annoying when watching NRL games- he should shut up.




  1. yeah i no what u mean and sometimes he will make something out to be really bad when it wasnt or vis-versa

  2. No he isn't destroying the game, he is destroying the NRL referees. He is giving people his view from an air-conditioned room at the top of a grandstand. Phil Gould isn't in the best position to call the game and if he is then us referees need to change all our training manuals so we referee from the grandstands. People could accept his view, if he actually went out in the centre and refereed.  Refereeing is harder than it looks. He isn't affecting the NRL referees because they have the NRL and the ARLRA there for them, but what he is really doing is making people stop from refereeing at your sons grass root games. These people think "I want to referee but if I do it I'll be abused by people"

    A memo to all people who Abuse or put down referees:

    Most of the time you abuse us because we blow a penalty or a knock on, it's against your team. Think about this, if we need to do that who is at fault, us or your team. Your team was the ones with the knock on or the high shot, not us. You should get on your teams back before our back. Remember if there was no referees there would be no NRL, in fact rugby league wouldn't exist. So just go easy on the referees, especially when you are not one or haven't refereed before


    Current Grass Roots Referee

  3. it's because most of the times he is right and knows a lot about the game..

    it's good to have someone like that in the commentary box because when a ref makes a bad call againts ur team, gus will question the refs decision and you will know that you weren't the only one who thought that it was a bad call and u will have someone on ur side.

  4. I wouldn't say that.The man can be annoying but he usually makes a very good point

  5. phil gould has a vast knowlage of football and is free to speak his mind,i'm not a fan of his but he has a big influence on the nrl. he does get annoying but let him speak

  6. no he is not destrying nrl his comments are quiet valid and most of the time right he is a very very smart football man and knows what hes talking about yes he is annoying though and does come across as winer who never shuts the h**l up and aliways goes on about the same things bt hey someone has to say something about incompitent refs who almost every week make pathetic descions and lose games for teams by a wrong desicion ,players or coaches cant say anything about the ref or they cop a fine so go phil and keep wining and complaning

  7. when he's questioning the decisions it cos he's usually right

    Phil Gould knows more about league than David Gallop does

  8. Phil is annoying the way he goes on about rules that he wants changed and this is what I dislike most.  If a rule is wrong or can be improved then take action through the right channels to change but until it is changed do what we all do, live with it.

  9. Let me just say this. A lot of the ref's decisions SHOULD be questioned! As for Gould, he's like Lawry in cricket, too much to say.

  10. Go easy, his a living legend! NOT! his tottal dik head.

    Its embarrising nowing other countrys r listeing 2 his c**p

  11. i watch with the sound off

    if he was any good he would be coaching

    we need some competition in TV at the moment all the sports commentators are c**p

    -cricket one giant advertisement for "limited" edition prints, or even worse replays from games 5 years ago (WTF?)

    -league enough said

    -union some old players need to be told they are commentating on todays game not "when i was playing"

    Digital TV gives us the chance for hundreds of chanells but packer/murdoch and co have stopped this so get use to phil the twit is here to stay

  12. he should go back coaching.coaching under 7's team

  13. Only if you listen to what he sez. If you hear his voice it's annoying, but not as bad as listening to him talk.

    Ex-Coaches should not become commentators, their job is to question every decision the ref makes, and be right about it 1/4 of the time. Commentators are meant to call the game.

    I'd like to see Gus ref a 1st grade game or even video ref one, but his proven record of bias and poor calls proves him ineligible.

    Once again.. he should retire and take Ray Warren with him.

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