
Is Phil Gramm, who is practically solely responsible for the current mortgage meltdown, allowed to criticise?

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....Americans complaining about losing their homes? Complaining about prices? Job loss? Grocery bills? Especially since he made so much money off of it?

I think Phil Gramm should be FLOGGED in public on the steps of the Capitol building. And they should sell beer and popcorn.




  1. If there is one thing I can't stand, it is a person that became a millionaire via corporate whoring that then says to those of us not rich as being whiners when we struggle to make ends meet!

    This is the perfect example of why McCain is just another 4 years of Bush.... Phil Gramm is an advisor to McCain, McCain has been married to $100 million for many years, compared to Obama just recently having paid off his student loans......

    I agree that Gramm should be flogged in public..... but since Bush will likely pardon him and all the other law breaking thugs, I get the feeling that that won't happen.

  2. Honey, you should quit asking this question.  You are embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge on the subject.  Your facts are simply WRONG!

  3. I endorse his comments and you sound like the kind of person Gramm was talking about.

  4. Phil Gramm may have played a part in mortgage meltdown, but Americans loosing their homes is strictly their personal fault.  Americans "over buying" more than they can afford.  That is why so many ppl are loosing their homes.  It's called personal responsibility.

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