
Is Pimms and diet lemonade a good alcholic drink?

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I'm going to a party this weekend,but i don't know what to drink! I am watching my weight so don't want anything packed with calories, which is why i'm going to avoid wine as i know it's loaded with cals. Is pimms and diet lemonade a low calorie drink? And does it give you a bad hangover?




  1. Its fine with diet lemonade - tastes the same as the real stuff.  Any alcohol has calories in it so no avoiding that but you might want to try a little Pimms and Soda water before you go to see if you like the taste.  Also try and stretch the drinks out a little.  I always make my pimms with lots of fruit in it - apples, oranges, lemons, strawberries plus the mint so there is a little bit of a health kick and it makes the units go further.  Also it can be worth alternating between pimms and fizzy water to stretch the calories just as if you were stretching the units not to get too drunk!

  2. yer its good calorie wise

    any spirt with a diet fizzy is good in terms of calories well better than any other alcoholic drink like wine or beer

    The hangover is not a problem i have i've neve3r had one, i guess im just lucky

  3. It'll be luvverly, just don't forget the cucumber.

  4. i dont know about calories, but put laods of fruit in it! tastes so much better.!

  5. Not sure about the calories but it is a long drink and tastes lovely.  I haven't ever gotten hammered on Pimms so couldn't say if it makes you feel rough the next day.

    It tastes more like a fruit punch than alcohol so don't get too carried away.  If you can taste the Pimms, then there is not enough lemonade in there.

  6. Yes - but don't spoil it with diet lemonade - use the real stuff

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