
Is Pizza Overated ?? And Even Places like Domino's And Pizza Hut Is It Just 1 Big Money Scam ??

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Because At The End Of The Day I Love pizza It Is Tasty But All It Is - Is Bread Cheese Tomatoes //// >>> ???




  1. i like thin crust pizza.  none of the chains really have decent pizza, in my opinion.  id honestly rather have a tostinos 89 cent pizza than that stuff.  most of the time, anyway

  2. I lived in concord ,Calif there was a Place called Shakeys Pizza, When I was a young girl I used to watch this guy throw it .     It was the best, thick  with allot of fresh real ingredients , now there  there isn't one like that for miles in Oregon, But next to almost best Costco, Papa Murphy's , lolo ;)

  3. If the only pizza you know is from Domino's and Pizza Hut, I feel sorry for you.  If you ever had good pizza than you would know it also involves more than that.


  5. Probably yes and sometimes no i guess it depends on what part, are you talking about when saying overrated  as for what makes pizza special.  is that it never tastes the same from Italy to  new york ie Brooklyn , and then Chicago all of those pizzeria from there tastes difference by using  difference ingredients that makes you want to come back for more. and then there always hot just the way anyone would like them so to me pizza like a work of art.

    As for Pizza Hut and Dominos or even Papa Johns then yes they are a little overrated,  since there pizza never  tastes  like a real pizzeria pizza that you can buy for $2.50 slice every day or your way home or school  also during lunchtime, but back to those pizza companys who chargers way to much for there side orders  and even pizza, and that gets to you but then when you are hungry clause that person is to lazy to cook then their prices sounds very good to you .and don't even care if your wasteing money.

    Again pizza is both

  6. Not overrated in my opinion. I love it any day of the week.

  7. Its not a big money making scam, you could make your own. But who could be bothered?

    Its like crisp, You pay like 40p for a few scrapes of patato.

  8. It is still good, but it has just lost its novelty because people consume so much of it.  I guess you can reduce just about any food to a few basic ingredients.

    For some reason, pizza does not seem to be what it once was.  I have heard a lot of people make the same remark about it once having had a lot more appeal than it does now.  Maybe places are skimping on some of the ingredients that used to give it better flavour, especially the mozzarella cheese.

    The hungrier you are, the better it seems, anyways.  Would you ever consider ordering McDonald's food to your door if you came home tired and hungry?  In spite of the ingredients, I guess it is always there for you when you need it.

  9. Don't' buy it if you think it's such a scam.  It's supply and demand.  I bet if you owned a pizza place and made money at it, there wouldn't be a scam.

    What makes it a scam?  What's illegal about selling pizza?The fact someone provides a service and a price and people are willing to pay that price for the food.  It sounds like good business and that you're jealous that someone is making money.

    If you don't like people getting rich and making money then save up and move out of the United States and learn what is a real scam.  Like in's not who's at fault for the traffic accident's who has less money to pay off the police....highest  bidder stays free....that's a scam.

    So in answering your question, No it is not a scam and competition and quality of product keeps the prices down or where they're at.

  10. nahhh.

    its gooooood.

  11. you know whats really good?  dominoes pizza reheated.  It tastes better the second time you cook it!!

  12. Pizza is great, but there is a difference in quality and taste between the Domino's and Pizza Hut fast food and Real pizza. NY style is the best....from a neighborhood pizzeria that is family owned. It doesn't get much better than that.

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