
Is Poison Ivy contagious?

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My husband has Poison Ivy and I was wondering if it was contagious from person to person....We have an 11 month old daughter and I don't know if she can get it from him hling her? It's on his arms and legs. Also what are some good treatments for it?




  1. The rash itself, and the fluid that oozes from the blisters, are not contagious.  It's only the oil from the plants that causes the rash.  Once the person has completely washed the oil off their body then there's no risk of transferring it to anyone else.  Make sure he has showered thoroughly preferably with a grease-dissolving soap such as Dawn dish detergent.  Also things that may have come into contact with the plant (clothes, shoes, pets, etc.) should be washed.  Once everything has been decontaminated then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

    As for treatments, I've had poison ivy numerous times.  If it's severe and widespread he should go to the doctor.  They will give him a corticosteroid either by shot or cream or pill form.  This greatly reduces the itching, burning and swelling.  I've never found any of the over-the-counter "itch creams" to be helpful.  In fact they seemed to irritate the rash even more.  Some people have found applying jewel weed or a small amount of household bleach to the rash to be helpful.  Oatmeal baths may provide relief.  He could try taking Benadryl orally (not the cream) but this is usually more effective if you begin taking it as soon as the rash begins.  For me I've found that running hot water over the rash brings hours of itch relief.  The water has to be hot enough to be slightly uncomfortable but not so hot to burn you.  The hot water reduces the histamine reaction in the skin.  But DON'T use the hot water treatment if the rash has open sores or oozing blisters.  But basically nothing really stops it, it's just an allergic reaction that has to run its course.

    An interesting thing about poison ivy is that almost no one reacts the very first time they're exposed to it.  You have to become sensitized to it.  So your daughter, at 11 months, is probably pretty safe.  Also that young her immune system is still developing and you usually need a fairly strong immune system to develop an allergic reaction to something.

  2. If the oil that caused his poison ivy is still on his skin, it can be transferred to other people.  But if he's bathed a time or two, that's not likely to be the case.

  3. Yes, it can be passed on other people, especially while it's still fairly fresh.  He should keep it covered with clothing and she shouldn't touch his affected skin. Of course not everyone is sensitive poison ivy, and she could be one of those people. Or perhaps she's never been exposed, and like other reactions, reaction to poison ivy requires previous exposure.  

  4. Yes it can be extremely contagious especially if you are allergic to it. I wouldn'tt take any chances with your daughter getting it cause you never know if you are allergic to it unless you get it. Calamine lotion works to dry it up there are all kinds of things in any drug isle at your local grocery store to use on it.  

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