
Is Pope Benedict playing a game of chess?

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He has said he will not meet with Obama. Does that mean Obama will not meet with Benedict? If Benedict is going to try to finish the job he will have to communicate with the commander in chief. Both Obama and McCain are trying to broker a deal for the Catholic backing. Smoke on the horizon?




  1. No.

    The Catholic Church teaches and supports moral issues based on Christian doctrine.

    The Catholic Church does not support individual political candidates.

    Meeting with Obama but not with McCain would imply support.

    With love in Christ.

  2. The Catholic Church will not officially back either candidate.  Obama's radical positions on partial birth abortion and other life issues make him an unlikely candidate for the Catholic faithful.  The sanctity of life is a non-negotiable issue for devout Catholics and Obama has voted against even the most minimal restrictions on partial birth abortion.  I'm sure many of the "peace and social justice" catholics will blindly vote for him.  By doing so they are neglecting their calling to support the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

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