
Is Potty training my daughter at 15mouths to early???

by Guest61346  |  earlier

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My daughter is 15mths and I was wondering if it is to early to to start potty training or at lease try to..I was wanting to start trying with her so she will start learning what it is and stuff..But is it too early????




  1. Mine is 14 months old and definately too young.

    When Im going to see she is knowing that she need to be changed (and its not about signalising p**p from time to time) then is time to start. Im letting her to see me in bathroom sometimes, trying to keep her in dry-dry nappies to make her feeling the difference, and waiting when she is going to realise that pants are not part of her body :) (she just discovered that there is ALWAYS tummy somewhere under clothes :) )

    Some mothers in my husband country are starting to potty train children when they are... 6 months old!  Even if they get any "results" in potty it is only effect of "clear" accident :)

    Im not going push my little one, but from other side Im going be very peristent when her time will come :)

  2. It's not too early to start talking about it and making a game out of it.  I think the earlier the better.  Many children can be potty trained around 2 years old or even earlier.  

    People in other countries (not just third world countries) think that Americans are ridiculous for not trying to potty train until 3 or 4 years old. They think it's wasteful of resources due to the number of diapers we use and a discredit and disservice to our children to not think they are capable of understanding the concept - as well as not teaching them that they are able to not have to have urine and f***s against their bums all day.

    I believe that children should be able to be potty trained whenever they seem to take an interest or seem to be able.  I don't think you should wait until your child can do 'everything' themselves - pulling pants on and off, etc.  Some children can't dress themselves fully until they're 4 years old. That doesn't mean that they can't grasp the concept of 'mommy, I need to go pee pee' and teaching them to let mommy know and holding mommy's hand to go to the bathroom and use a toilet.  

    Just because you have to help doesn't mean they aren't ready to pee on a Cheerio in the loo.

  3. it's probably too early to get any real results, but I don't think you're wasting your time at all. I think she could be potty trained at a much earlier age than normal, and if she's really smart, she will get the hang of it within a few months.

    Good luck

  4. Depends on the child.  I had my 2 boys and 2 girls all completely potty trained by the age of two.  I always tried to make it fun or a big adventure.  I know it sounds silly but it worked.

  5. Look at your daughter. Can she pull her pants on and off? Does she know when she's wet/dirty? Does she know what the potty is for? IF yes to all three, then go for it!

      My daughter's the same age, and wants to use the potty, but I am waiting another couple of months because she's a short little thing!

  6. Yes it is really, but there is no harm in getting a potty and leaving it in the bathroom or sitting room and perhaps using it in a game, like when teddy needs a wee and poo and she can help. Then when she is ready she will no what it is for and have a better understanding of the affair.

    Most children start potty training at around 3.

  7. Someone told me the other day that my 14 month old son is ready to potty train himself. I thought they were nuts but from what I heard on here it can be done. I've heard to buy the child a potty seat and let them get used to that first. If your child is staying dry at night and knows the feeling of needing to go potty it seems like maybe she is ready. Good luck to you

  8. its to early wait till after 2 years because there organs are not fully developed till about 2 years...any earlier there will be horrible results

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