
Is Pregnancy still possible with breakthrough bleeding?

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We have been trying to conceive, but just starting. A week after our attempts, I had a 3-4 days of absolute more frequent urination, and mild cramping. I developed my 'period' 5 days later, which is 5 days late. Is it possible that this could be breakthrough? Implantation? or just a normal period, but late for whatever reason. I have never had frequent urination or cramping prior to any period. I guess it would not hurt to test, but what are the chances?




  1. The frequent urination at this point has nothing to do with being pregnant. It is still way too soon to develop any kind of symptoms although roughly 10 days after conception some women may notice implantation bleeding or cramping. If you are experiencing a heavy flow, similar to a period it's safe to say you aren't pregnant. There are lots of things that can cause a period to be late, especially if you just came off birth control. If you want you can try taking a pregnancy test but I don't think you are pregnant. Baby dust and better luck next cycle :)

  2. You may have a bladder infection, which can delay your period as well as stress. But it doesn't sound like implantation bleeding to me, because implantation bleed is definitely not a period, it is a very light fain translucent spotting that is more of a pink/peach color rather than a blood or brown color. I would say a 50/50 chance i know that's not what you want to hear but that's what i think. I would wait another 5-6 days, then test again, and if still a neg, you may want to go to the doctor and find out whats going on, also if you get a positive you'll want to go as well. Good Luck!!

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