
Is President Obama the savior and high priest of the Rapture Church of the USA?

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Is President Obama the savior and high priest of the Rapture Church of the USA?




  1. Obama IS NOT PRESIDENT, and i don't think the rapture church is Muslim as is obama the rapture is christian . the last i heard the u.s.a. was at war with a Muslim nation , defend your constitution .

  2. Let's see how to start this one: How can you compare the risen Savior and Barack Obama? You can't. The Rapture Church? What's that? The last time I checked, the United States was made of separate entities called STATES. These states have their own government that works in conjunction with the federal government; some not always agreeing with the federal government, but alas, working for the common good of the U.S. as a whole.

    How can you even compare the sins of the office of president with the Savior?

    I have never seen so much blasphemy against the Lord Jesus and a man who is trying to become a historical president in all my life. It just goes to show that there is little respect for the highest name you can call AND the highest office in our country.

    You scare me with this kind of talk. Your words echo in the minds of the weak and they follow your kind blindly without question; and since Barack Obama started running for office, people like you have picked this man apart, but yet, he keeps going dispite the people who still have hatred in their hearts like you do.

    Sleeping at night must not be important to you. I can see that you are up all times of night dreaming of ways to discredit this man by your words and hope that someone will agree with you and spread your abomination to any and everyone who will listen.

    You won't give it a second thought to give ME a thumbs down because I don't agree with your slashing of this man.

    It also proves to me that there is STILL a long way to go in the acceptance department of people who aren't the right shade.

    When the rapture does come, how are you going to explain to God your intent with this question? Yes, you will have to explain yourself b/c everything you or I do is kept in a book of life that we live.

    I wouldn't want to be anywhere near you when you decide to lie to the Creator when you try to jack up an answer for this one.

  3. No but you are Cardinal of Crazy.

  4. He is the high priest of raising our taxes and enacting socialism. He will be a master at lowering our standard of living.

  5. Senator Obama is simply a mire mortal; seeking the position of the Presidency to improve our great nation's image; and placing Americans first. To r****d the growth of special interest groups who pander and appease the ambitions of Corporate America, at the expense of the average tax payer.

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