
Is Prince Amedeo single or does he have a gf and if he marries what will his wife and children's titles be?

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Hi there every one I recently joined, one of my friends told me about Prince Amedeo thus I am doing some research as I have never heard of him. Any other info will be much apreciated..




  1. Prince Amadeo of Belgium was born February 21,1986. Not much is known about him:

    Full name: Amedeo Marie Joseph Carl Pierre Philippe Paola Marcus d'Aviano

    Title: Prince of Belgium (since 1991), Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia (His Imperial and Royal Highness)

    Born: University Clinic St. Luc, Woluwe Saint-Lambert, Belgium, February 21st, 1986

    Parents: Lorenz Archduke of Austria-Este (1955) and 1984, Astrid Princess of Belgium (1962)

    Brother: Joachim (1991)

    Sisters: Maria-Laura (1988), Luisa Maria (1995) and Laetitia Maria (2003)

    Education: Sint Jan Berchmans College, Brussels; Sevenoaks College, Kent, England (2001-2004); Royal Militar Academy in Brussels (2004-2005); studies at the London School of Economics (2005-)


    His wife will bear his title(s).His children wiill bear his title(s).

  2. He's got a girlfriend was in the news.

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