
Is Prince Charles the guvner?

by  |  earlier

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He heads a whole regiment of murderers and then his has his wife bumped off?




  1. er ..... well I just think that if he had been allowed to marry who he had wanted in the first place then he wouldn't have caused so much hurt to lovely Diana and would have been much more popular and would have been my Guvner anyday .... but he didn't tow the line like his poor Aunt had to, so in my books he never will be ...........oooh call me prudey why don't you!!!  Still he still leads a pretty good life all told, so I suppose he is perhaps a bit of a guvner after all!!!  Just a bit worried about some of the funny clothes he has to dress up in sometimes though, or is this deviating?!!!!

  2. Give it a rest, buddy.  

    At least he has a job and is trying to help people.   What have you done to help someone, anyone, in the last year?  

    Get off the booze, get out and do something other than rundown other people.

  3. Allo Guvna!

  4. Diamond geezer!

  5. No. He is the boss of nothing & no-one.

  6. There's only ever been one guvnor, you get me?

  7. isn't that your dad your talking bout

  8. Yes.

    But you can call me Charley.

    - And for your information, the only regiment I head is a regiment of horses when I'm playing polo.

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