
Is Prince Harry The Most Out Of Control Royal?

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Is Prince Harry The Most Out Of Control Royal?




  1. No. It's Princess Michael of Kent. Rumour has it that the rest of the British royal family see her as having ideas and delusions above her station, hence the media have attached to her the nickname "Princess Pushy". It is claimed that she once declared to an American fashion magazine that she had more royal blood in her veins than any person to marry into the royal family since Prince Philip. She also has said she was probably the first tall person to marry into the clan.

    In May 2004 she was in the news when a group of black diners in a New York restaurant alleged that the Princess had told them to "get back to the colonies" when complaining about their noise - an accusation she denied but that made headlines around the world. Her latest newsmaking statement came in October 2006, in an interview for US TV, in which she claimed that her children were the brightest royals with the best (university) degrees.

  2. Is he out of control? I always thought Philip was the one who behaved more or less as he pleased.

  3. i think he is

    he can get away with murder ..

  4. No it's Viscount Linley:

    However, the British establishment are keen to cover it up.

  5. honestly, i don't like prince harry. he's like this overly spoiled rich kid who always gets away with everything.

    i'm not brittish. i don't even have royalty in my country but do you people think that its about time that we end having royalty?

    i mean, c'mon, just because someone's royalty doesn't mean he/she is exempted to the law!

    if prince harry murders someone, he could easily get away with it.

  6. no its just high spirits - only the peasants get out of control

  7. Yeah, he's up there, but he's matured quite a bit since his teenage days.

  8. no. he's just the only one people talk about.

  9. I don't think he is out of control. I think he is just behaving like a normal, healthy young man of his age.

  10. On the contrary, it seems like he has calmed down a bit since his younger days.

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