
Is Prince William The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To The UK?

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Is Prince William The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To The UK?




  1. If that is a photo of you do not look as if you have done a lot with yours either

  2. Personally, I think Princess Diana was the best thing that has ever happened to the UK and the world. Even though some people would think otherwise, I think that her contributions to charity and the way she was soo in touch with the British public made her very popular.

    Now the woman  that marries Prince William (Not necessarily Kate Middleton) will have to live in her shadow and put up with constant comparisons between her actions and the actions of Princess Diana.

  3. get rid of em all i say, cost us far to much money for doing jack sh+t. and all there cling ons..

  4. um no,

  5. Are you kidding. While his friend got killed in Afghanistan, he went with his girlfriend shooting deer around Balmoral estate, they were both wearing combat gear and she had a specially made rifle. They are so far removed from the real world that they see the deer as the enemy.

  6. Hopefully!  It appears to us "across the pond" that he (as the crown prince) is being meticulously groomed to someday be king.

    I think that with his wit, charm and tact that he will prove to be a TREMENDOUS asset to the House of Windsor as well as the people of the UK.  Lucky you!


  8. WTF.....he is like the rest of the family....a bunch of parasitic leaches who have neither the brains or sense to do anything meaningful with their lives

  9. He is merely a young man who, by accident of birth, is a member of a privileged family. There are many average people in UK who have already acieved & will continue to achieve more than William.

  10. Only if he completely renounces his right to the throne and tells the UK the monarchy is an unnecessary, anachronistic symbol that should be abandoned.

  11. Umm... I think you may have the word 'best' confused with something else...

  12. why what makes you think he is?the best to ever happened to the UK are the lads and lasses who <did> go to fight the illegal war in Iraq,what was all the farce about the sandhurst episode,  Everyone knew he, would not be put in the line of fire, cost a lot of money and effort to take him through that. Why.what for?, he may well be a Nice enough lad but WHO wouldn't be with his background.

  13. How can anything that comes from a family of inbred stick insecsts be the best thing thats ever happened to the uk?

  14. no, uk has a long history

  15. ?????????er no

  16. I prefer him to Harry to be honest, maybe it's because he's not ginger

  17. No not at all. He's just a very lucky young man, who was born into a family of millionaires. Why does that make him the best?

    I'm not against our royal family in any way, and I am British through and through. But, by no means, are they the best people in Britain.

  18. no. er why would he be?

  19. No.  That would be the Beatles.

  20. no, not at all.

  21. Comparing to other disasters, maybe.

  22. He may turn out to be the second best but nobody will ever top the Queen.  She is a gracious self-disciplined and conscientious lady.

  23. no lol wot a gr8 anser i sed

  24. No.Many more and better people can take that place.

    He is a spoilt boy.

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