
Is Propofol OK to use if you had a horrible reaction to Versed? (I got violent, then stopped breathing)?

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I've heard some good things about it. I'm having surgery soon and I want to refuse ALL hypnotics (I don't see a need for that when you're having General Anesthesia,) but if they force me to take something I was hoping that Propofol doesn't cause the god-awful permanent damage to a person that Versed does.

Versed left me with PTSD, depression and anxiety....I tell everyone not to let their Dr or Dentist give them that c**p or they'd regret it....and the ones that didn't listen....sure have regretted it...that is one EVIL drug. It would be perfect to use if you wanted to torture someone w/o the danger of them remember it....hmmmm, no wonder it's used as a Date Rape Drug also............




  1. Take a deep breath & relax.

    Let the surgeon & anesthesia provider know of your bad experience with Versed. They'll treat it as an allergy.

    Propofol is not even close to Versed in it's mechanism of action.

    Versed is, for most people, a safe & effective drug. Like ALL drugs, some people (like you) can have a bad reaction.

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